September 19th Will Be An Inspiring Night
September 19th Will Be An Inspiring Night
Written By Andrew Willis   |   08.03.14
Reading Time: 2 minutes

I’m not the one usually writing to you, but Dave asked if I would share with you this week.

We are all very aware of the many troubles that our nation and culture are facing, yet it is generally agreed that we are not at the depraved levels of Nazi Germany in the 1930’s and 40’s.

What many do not realize about Germany under that decadent regime was that the majority of the German people opposed going to war. Nor were they clamoring for the extermination of the Jewish people. Why was Hitler and his fellow ideologues so successful in advancing their destructive agenda? Well, there was really nothing ever to stop him. Nazis did what they wanted when they wanted without any real public opposition. The rest is history as the world went to war and tens of thousands were murdered in concentration camps. 

But this is not to say there was complete silence among the German people. Dietrich Bonhoeffer, a pastor and an esteemed theologian, was unwilling to leave his faith within the four wall of his church. He spoke out against the Third Reich and because of which he was eventually executed. Unfortunately, there were not enough German people of faith like Bonhoeffer–those who could both recognize the evils that they were facing and take action accordingly.

Christians in America can learn from Germany’s downfall and must understand the consequences of silence and inaction. 

That is why I am especially excited that famed author and apologist Eric Metaxas will be our featured speaker for IFI’s annual Faith, Family and Freedom Banquet on Friday, September 19 in Rolling Meadows.

Reading through Eric Metaxas’  bestselling biography, Bonhoeffer: Pastor, Martyr, Prophet, Spy, I was both inspired and given practical insight that can be applied to my own life as well as the churchI’ve also read his more recent book titled, 7 Men And The Secret to Their Greatness which draws from the example of the likes of William Wilberforce, Jackie Robinson, and Pope John Paul II, and analyzes what made them so effective their respective eras. 

Eric Metaxas is an expert authority on figures who stood up when the culture around was either hostile or silent to the message–the type of people we desperately need to become. I’m looking forward to hearing Mr. Metaxas give in his own witty style a vital message that will encourage and prepare us for the current times where freedom is hanging in the balance.  God has called us to be salt and light and there’s no better time than now to speak up.

I’m excited about September 19th.  

Please, won’t you join us there?  You’ll want to act soon, however, our early bird special expires on August 18th. 

For the family,

Andrew Willis, Junior Fellow
Illinois Family Institute

Illinois Family Institute
Faith, Family and Freedom Banquet

Friday, September 19
The Meadows Club – Rolling Meadows, IL

Tickets now available – click here or call (708) 781-9328.

Program advertisements and banquet sponsorships
for this great evening are available. 


Early Bird Specials Expire on August 18th!

Andrew Willis
Andrew is a Chicago-based attorney, working in corporate and wealth-planning matters. He graduated with honors from the Chicago-Kent College of Law where he was here he served as an Executive...
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