How to Read Your Bible
How to Read Your Bible
Written By Rev. Thorin Anderson   |   02.26.25
Reading Time: 5 minutes

No other book has been attacked as the Bible has. Repeatedly throughout history skeptics have set out to discredit it and to knock it off its pedestal as the most highly regarded book ever written, but they have all failed.

It is the most read, most influential book in history. It is the foundation of western civilization, especially the United States, and is an essential read if you desire to understand the world you live in, or to know the God who created the universe and you.

However, it is not necessarily an easy read, and if you do not have a plan, you may become discouraged in trying to understand it. But that need not be the case. If you read it expectantly, you may find your life radically changed for the better!

Until the 1960s the Bible was nearly ubiquitous in American culture. It is the foundation of our Constitution and legal system. Younger Americans would be surprised at the prevalence of biblical principles, idioms, and expressions in the everyday lives of most Americans well into the 20th Century.

It is likely that the most obvious fruit of the nation’s biblical roots was its unifying ideology. The great fissures that are now so conspicuous in American culture are largely the result of powerful cultural forces pushing the Bible to the fringes of society.

The Supreme Court’s removal of the Bible from public schools in the 60s is considered one of the most visible efforts of the Left to undermine Christianity’s influence, and it has had devastating consequences.

However, it is reported that Bible sales have risen significantly over the last year, (22% increase 2024 over 2023) and it is not surprising with the chaos and conflict we have witnessed across the country. If you are not already familiar with the Bible, I have some suggestions on how to approach it so as to get the maximum benefit from it and not become frustrated.

First, understand who the Author is.

While some will argue about this, the Bible itself claims more than two thousand times to be the word of the Creator God. It is wise to accept this proposition or at least be open to the possibility. In spite of the tremendous efforts to destroy it, no one has proven it false in anything it says.

It may be hated most because of its claims of exclusivity and authority, but it is because of those two factors that it can be trusted and is essential to our well-being.

God being the author, we can assume a number of things. First, the message communicated will be true and authoritative. Second, while using more than forty authors over more than a thousand years He provides a unified message with everything we need to know for a successful life here and a joyful eternity with Him. Third, because He is relational, the Bible is not merely a list of rules.

The truth is delivered in the context of real people’s lives, conflicts, and achievements.

The Bible has a number of objectives which cannot all be addressed here. The first, however, is communicating God Himself.

In the Scriptures we discover God’s essence, nature, capabilities, personality, purposes and more. He is revealed to be holy, righteous, wise, creative, gracious, loving and just, among many other things.

A second truth the Scriptures point out is that we, while having been created in God’s image, early on rejected a relationship with Him and have sought to go our own way ever since. That rebellion, found in Genesis chapter three, and generally known as the “Fall,” has generated conflict in human, cultural, and political relationships, and has even tragically affected nature itself.

Adam and Eve’s choice to disobey God kicked off mankind’s tragic history, which is a story of constant conflict and death.

Thirdly, the Scriptures lay out from its earliest pages God’s plan and provision for reconciling us to Himself. In the same way that we find it impossible to overlook injuries done to us by others, God could not let our rebellion and rejection go un-addressed.

Therefore, as you read the Bible you will find God informing us of the significance of our sin, His provision for justice, and His readiness to forgive us when we repent. We see this in the history, rituals and sacrifices of the Old Testament, and in the events and theology of the New Testament. The 66 books of the Bible tell a harmonious story of God, creation, man, the Fall, and God’s plan to redeem us.

Don’t be surprised that the Bible is not a self-help book, contrary to much of what is said by others. Your happiness is not God’s first priority, though He does enjoy bringing happiness and joy into our lives. He is holy, righteous and just, and these eternal absolutes must be met in our lives before we experience the fulness of His blessings.

One of the most important things you should do in your efforts to understand the Bible is to find a church that is faithful to it.  Strangely, many churches do not hold the Bible in high regard and water down or even deny its message. Seek out a church that considers the Bible to be God’s word and preaches and teaches it faithfully.

Also, until you gain a good understanding of the Bible and its message, I suggest you avoid the mega-churches. Many of them preach an alternative gospel and are nothing more than a front for charlatans. Truth is often painful and unpopular, so do not be surprised that the only churches you can find that truly hold to the Scriptures appear to be relatively small.

Large, faithful churches exist, but they are often difficult to find.

Illinois Family Institute can give you some assistance in finding such a church, or you can reach this author through IFI, and I would be more than willing to help you in your search for a good church.

So, how and where should you start reading? I suggest that you begin with the first eight chapters of Genesis and then move to the New Testament, praying as you do so, asking God for His wisdom.

In the early chapters of Genesis, you will discover the historical events upon which the remainder of the Scriptures and history itself rest, so it is a good starting point. The next text to study might be the Gospel of John, which is the fourth book in the New Testament. In John’s Gospel you will find a beautiful portrait of the One foreshadowed in the first pages and throughout the Old Testament, Jesus Christ.

I suggest that you have a notebook handy and write down questions and comments that come to your mind. A godly pastor and church will be very happy to answer your questions and make suggestions for further study and are a good reason to diligently seek out a Bible preaching church to join.

The most important personal reason for studying your Bible is to discover how you can be brought into a personal relationship with the Creator God. As I mentioned above, mankind has been separated from Him from the early days following creation and remains at war with Him to this day.

Each of us is born a sinner and stand guilty before God. However, God made provision for our being reconciled with Him through the work of Jesus Christ. His death on the cross two thousand years ago, as He was judged and executed in our place for our sin, provided the atonement necessary to pay for our sins, and provide access again to God.

All who repent, turn from their sin, and trust God to forgive them are forgiven, once for all!

It is our desire that multitudes of Americans would choose to seek God personally during these difficult times and find that He is the answer for all their needs. He is known personally only through His word, the Bible, and He says repeatedly that He will speedily forgive any person who repents of their sin and trusts Him to do so.

Rev. Thorin Anderson
Rev. Thorin Anderson is a member of the Advisory Council to Illinois Family Institute and the former pastor of Parkwood Baptist Church on the south side of Chicago. Pastor Anderson has faithfully pastored at Parkwood Baptist Church since September, 2000 until 2022. He received his Master of Divinity degree from Central Seminary. He and his wife Toni have seven children and 19 grandchildren. Pastor Anderson also serves on the board of directors for Men for Christ, an association that organizes annual weekend men’s rallies in Minnesota, Wisconsin, Iowa, and Illinois on a rotating basis. For more information on these...
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