IFI Statement:  Counties Should Not Issue Same-Sex “Marriage” Licenses Yet
IFI Statement: Counties Should Not Issue Same-Sex “Marriage” Licenses Yet
Reading Time: < 1 minute

In response to the various county clerks that are now processing same-sex “marriage” licensees across Illinois (which Attorney General Lisa Madigan is encouraging) — well ahead of the June 1, 2014 date of effectiveness — IFI  issues this statement: 

As a result of last month’s irresponsible judicial decision in Cook County which usurps the proper legislative process, county clerks are now issuing same-sex “marriage” licenses across the state of Illinois.

While U.S. District Judge Sharon Johnson Coleman believes that there “is no reason to delay further” the implementation of Illinois’ new same-sex “marriage” law, she evidently fails to recognize that creating, modifying, or implementing state law is outside of the court’s purview.  

Making and implementing law is strictly a function of the General Assembly. Ignoring the proper roles of the three branches of government sets an extremely dangerous precedent.  

When unelected judicial activists like Judge Coleman circumvent the legislative process, they are in essence telling the legislature that they are irrelevant. State lawmakers and county clerks should not be complicit in this gross usurpation of the legislative process.

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