Air Force Sergeant  Booted for Views on Marriage
Air Force Sergeant Booted for Views on Marriage
Written By David E. Smith   |   10.12.13
Reading Time: 2 minutes

An U.S. Air Force sergeant has filed a discrimination complaint after being relieved of his duties because of his religious beliefs about the institution of marriage.  Senior Master Sergeant Phillip Monk says he was subject to disciplinary action because he refused to voice support for the redefinition of marriage to include same-sex unions. 

Monk, who has served in the Air Force for 19 years, had been stationed at Lackland Air Force Base in San Antonio, Texas.  His most recent commander, Major Elisa Valenzuela, is a professed lesbian.   Sgt. Monk says Major Valenzuela demanded to know whether he agreed that opposition to homosexual “marriage” constitutes discrimination.  Sgt. Monk declined to answer the question, saying he was concerned that sharing his true beliefs would result in adverse treatment.  Major Valenzuela then told Sgt. Monk that support for homosexual “marriage” was now military policy, and that service members are not permitted to disagree with it.  She then informed Monk that he was relieved of his duties and banned him from returning to his building on base. 

A military spokesman defended the action, saying that Air Force policy forbids language “degrading or demeaning” a person because of their “sexual orientation,” including any speech suggesting that homosexual conduct is immoral. 

Jeff Mateer, general counsel for the Liberty Institute, says their legal organization is receiving a stream of complaints from service members who are being reprimanded for their religious beliefs.  “Hostility to religious faith in the military is rampant and increasing at an alarming rate,” Mateer says.  “Unlike Sgt. Monk, they do not want to come forward publicly due to fear of retribution, which would destroy their military careers.” 

Sgt. Monk says he made the decision to contest the disciplinary action when he shared a Bible lesson with his sons about the importance of standing up for one’s beliefs.  He said he felt he needed to lead them by example in his own predicament. 

Air Force officials have retaliated against Monk for his complaint by examining formal charges against him.  He is now being investigated for making false statements in violation of the Uniform Code of Military Justice.  Should charges be pressed against him, Sgt. Monk could be subject to court martial. 

You can send a message of support to Sgt. Monk by clicking this link:  Support Sgt. Monk           

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David  E. Smith
Dave Smith is the executive director of Illinois Family Institute (501c3) and Illinois Family Action (501c4). David has 30 years of experience in public policy and grass-roots activism that includes...
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