Will Anti-Discrimination Laws Affect Pastors in Future?
Will Anti-Discrimination Laws Affect Pastors in Future?
Written By   |   07.27.13
Reading Time: < 1 minute

Pastors are supposed to be protected from anti-discrimination laws if they preach against homosexuality or refuse to perform same-gender civil union or marriage ceremonies. That may become a thing of the past at some point in the future.

CBN‘s Brody File raised the question of that at the recent Pastors and Pews events in Des Moines, Iowa, and Texas Senator Ted Cruz points out that Norway, for example, has passed a law requiring pastors to perform same sex wedding ceremonies.

“If you look at other nations that have gone down the road towards ‘gay marriage,’ that’s the next step where it gets enforced,” Cruz says. “It gets enforced against Christian pastors who decline to perform gay marriages, who speak out and preach biblical truths on marriage – that has been defined elsewhere as ‘hate speech’ and as  inconsistent with the enlightened view of government.

“And I think there is no doubt that the advocates who are driving this effort in the United States want to see us end up in that same place.”

View video of Cruz’s response

In Senator Cruz’s home state of Texas, a draft ordinance is being considered that would bar anyone who speaks against homosexuality or the transgender lifestyle from running for political office or being appointed to city boards and commissions. Businesses and their subcontractors would not be able to contract with the city if they oppose homosexual lifestyles.

See more at OneNewsNow.com.

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