The Battle for Marriage
The Battle for Marriage
Written By David E. Smith   |   02.25.13
Reading Time: 2 minutes

Dear Friends,

I have an urgent request. 

The effort to defend marriage has been very expensive for IFI.  Over the past two and half months, we have been quickly depleting our resources in an effort to stop the “fast track” of same-sex marriage.  If we expect to keep up this pace, we need to raise funds now.

The homosexual lobby is very well-funded, and they are out-spending us by substantial margins.  While we don’t expect to match their spending, we hope to be able to raise enough money to mount an vigorous defense of natural marriage.

This is a David versus Goliath battle.  No, we don’t need expensive armor, shield and sword.  We do, however, need a slingshot and five smooth stones.

Will you help us raise the funds we need to stand up to the Goliath of our day? 

Any gift you can send will be a huge help as we work to beat back the unrelenting forces that have coalesced to destroy marriage and family and ultimately diminish religious liberty, speech rights and parental rights.

The homosexual lobby wants to make Illinois the tenth state to redefine marriage.  They’ve got the money and an extremely powerful organization behind them – the Human Rights Campaign – an organization with a $40 million annual budget. The staff and I at IFI are doing the all-important grassroots work to motivate pastors and churches in key swing districts. 

The homosexual lobby will not relent.  We must match their tenacity.  (Click HERE to donate now!)

Through Illinois’ civil union law, homosexuals have gained all the rights and privileges to which heterosexual couples have access through marriage.  Homosexual activists and their ideological allies are using marriage to transform culture.  Homosexual activists are using marriage as a means to gain approval of homosexuality.  They know that the law teaches.  They further understand that once the government recognizes homosexual unions as “marriages,” they have carte blanche access to elementary schools.

But we can stop them!  So please click HERE to send in your contribution right away!

Thank you again for your support, and I look forward to hearing from you soon!


David E. Smith
Executive Director

P.S.  If you would like to become a monthly supporter, it is easy to set up a recurring contribution by credit card or electronic funds transfer by completing this mail-in form or by calling the office at (708) 781-9328.

To make a credit card donation over the phone, call the IFI office at (708) 781-9328.  You can also send a gift to P.O. Box 88848, Carol Stream, IL  60188.

David  E. Smith
Dave Smith is the executive director of Illinois Family Institute (501c3) and Illinois Family Action (501c4). David has 30 years of experience in public policy and grass-roots activism that includes...
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