Vote ‘NO’ on Constitutional Convention
Vote ‘NO’ on Constitutional Convention
Written By David E. Smith   |   10.29.08
Reading Time: 2 minutes

On November 4th Illinois voters will be asked to decide whether Illinois should convene a state constitutional convention.

According to our 1970 Illinois Constitution, every twenty years the state is required to ask voters whether or not they want to call for a constitutional convention to rewrite or amend the Illinois Constitution. This is one of the years in which voters will determine whether Illinois will reevaluate the state’s constitution.

While there are a number of potential benefits to a constitutional convention, the potential costs are far too high. If held right now, a constitutional convention would likely result in a much more liberal state constitution.

Therefore, we strongly urge a “no” vote on the question of calling for a constitutional convention.

If a constitutional convention were to be approved, the delegates to that convention, who would be responsible for amending or re-writing the constitution, would have to be elected by state senatorial districts — two for each district, with a total of 118 delegates. Therefore, the current state power structure would have great influence in determining who serve as delegates. A look at recent dysfunctional legislative sessions reveals the types of proposals and revisions that would likely be offered during a constitutional convention.

Some of the constitutional changes that could emerge from a convention would be devastating to the family and traditional values. For example, over the past 30 years, liberal legislators have attempted to add the “Equal Rights Amendment” (ERA) to the Illinois Constitution, which would mandate state funding of elective abortions and lead to legalized same-sex marriage. So far, pro-life and pro-family forces have been successful in preventing the passage of the ERA. A constitutional convention would provide an opportunity to anti-life and anti-family forces to add ERA language to our state constitution.

Another amendment that would likely be proposed would be a version of the “Freedom of Choice” bill that would write a mythical “right to abortion” into the Illinois Constitution — invalidating every restriction on the abortion of an unborn child, even those previously found by the United States Supreme Court to be consistent with Roe v. Wade, such as parental notification laws, waiting periods, requirements of full disclosure of the physical and emotional risks inherent in abortion, and restrictions on certain late-term abortion techniques.

Although a constitutional convention does provide an opportunity to solve some very real problems, the requisite changes are unlikely to be passed given the current composition of the political leadership of Illinois.

Before we seriously consider reworking the Illinois Constitution, we must change our political landscape through elections. Until we make that necessary change, we recommend a “no” vote on the constitutional convention.

Important Facts

  • In 1988 the electors rejected the call for a constitutional convention, with 75 percent voting against convening a convention. 
  • A constitutional convention could cost taxpayers between $30 and $90 million.
  • The constitutional convention question requires a 60 percent vote for passage. 
  • Once convened, the convention can amend or completely rewrite the Illinois Constitution. 
  • The proposed constitution must come back to state voters for approval by simple majority between two to six months after the convention adjourns.

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David  E. Smith
Dave Smith is the executive director of Illinois Family Institute (501c3) and Illinois Family Action (501c4). David has 30 years of experience in public policy and grass-roots activism that includes...
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