Federal Hate Crimes Legislation is Back!
Reading Time: 2 minutes

Federal Issue

Openly homosexual U.S. Representative Barney Frank (D-MA) has again introduced his Hate Crimes Bill,H.R.1913. Co-sponsors of this anti-family bill include Illinois’ own U.S. Representives Mark Kirk (R-Winnetka) and Judy Biggert (R-Hinsdale).

Hate crime laws are actually “thought crime” laws that violate the right to freedom of speech, of religion and of conscience. Such laws subject individuals to scrutiny of their beliefs rather than focusing on a person’s criminal actions.

Take ACTION: CLICK HERE to send an email or fax to your Congressman. Ask him/her to vote AGAINSTH.R.1913. 

The bill is not about stopping crime, but about giving sexual preference the same legal status as race and prosecuting two identical crimes differently because of what is perceived to be in the perpetrator’s mind. 

This legislation is just a stepping stone to regulate the speech of people who support family values, as in the case of the Philadelphia 11, a group of people holding signs about freedom from homosexuality at a gay pride event in Philadelphia who were arrested and charged with hate crimes, even though no crime was committed. 

This law is a first step toward making vocal opposition to homosexuality and homosexual marriage (and other controversial issues) a crime. In particular, this bill will give clergy reason to think twice about speaking out on the issue because of an existing federal law, 42 U.S.C Section 2. 

Section 2 of current federal law states that whoever “aids, abets, counsels, commands, induces or procures [the] commission [of a federal crime], is punishable as a principal.”

In other words, if a person who breaks the hate crimes bill has heard a sermon on homosexuality, you better believe there will be homosexual advocates pushing to have that minister prosecuted for having “counseled” or “induced” the perpetrator to act. Why? Because the minister’s sermon got the perpetrator riled up, “inducing” the hatefulness that caused the crime.

Moreover the law will provide unequal justice to victims because two criminals who commit the same crime will be treated differently because of their motives. The “motivation” for a crime should not result in the victims of the same crime having their perpetrators treated diffently, with one victim getting “more justice” than the other.

Please, let your Congressman know you are opposed to the legislation today! Take action now.

Read more: 
Read about the dangers of “hate crimes” laws (Liberty Counsel)

‘Hate crimes’ bill – bad news for believers (OneNewsNow.com)

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