IFI News Release: Gov. Blagojevich’s Morning-After Pill Order Demonstrates His Religious Intolerance
Reading Time: 2 minutes

CHICAGO, April 5, 2005 – Illinois Family Institute condemns Gov. Rod Blagojevich‘s decision to issue an emergency rule that usurps pharmacists of their God-given liberty to live out their faith and belief system. 

This executive rule requires pharmacies in Illinois to fill prescriptions for contraceptives – including the “morning-after pill” (a potential abortifacient) immediately, even if the pharmacist on duty has moral or religious objections to dispensing that drug. This order will effectively force many Illinois pharmacists to violate the tenants of their faith. 

“In February Illinois residents witnessed Gov. Blagojevich sign SB 3186, a bill that effectively takes away the freedom of churches and people of faith to disagree-and to make hiring decisions according to their beliefs,” said IFI’s Executive Director Peter LaBarbera. “Now the Governor is again requiring Illinois citizens to ignore or even breach their conscience, and forcing a segment of the population to accept the values and ideals of the irreligious left. Public servants have no right to interpret sacred religious teachings for the rest of us – nor do they have the right to demand that we violate them.” 

The issuance of this executive rule fails to respect the conscientious objections of pharmacists. Many health care professionals are morally and ethically opposed to prescribing and dispensing the morning-after pill. Does the Governor really believe that pharmacists, doctors or nurses who have devoted themselves to the life-giving work of healing should be forced to dispense a drug that they fervently believe will harm the patient and/or kill a developing human life?

What Planned Parenthood considers emergency contraceptive “medicine,” conservatives and many people of faith consider poison. “Once again,” said LaBarbera, “the Governor and his liberal friends have revealed how little they care about the liberties and moral freedoms of people of faith, and their cynicism about life and death issues. Otherwise, they would not compel pro-life pharmacists to dispense a drug that causes the death of a human being.”

“I also find the governor’s timing impeccable,” LaBarbera said. “Just after the tragedy of Terri Schavio, and amidst the discussion of Pope John Paul II‘s culture of life legacy, Gov. Blagojevich answers the call of his Planned Parenthood protesting friends over his duty to protect religious liberty and individual’s right of conscience.”

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