Speaker Pelosi to Push Healthcare Bill
Speaker Pelosi to Push Healthcare Bill
Written By David E. Smith   |   11.02.09
Reading Time: 1 minute

U.S. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-San Francisco) may push for a vote on so-called healthcare “reform” legislation in U.S. House of Representatives this week.

The bill, H.R. 3962, known as the Affordable Health Care for America Act, is more than 1900 pages long, stands nearly 9 inches tall and weighs 19 pounds. The Congressional Budget Office (CBO) reports the cost of the plan at a whopping $1.055 trillion over the next ten years. We are digging ourselves deeper into debt and passing it on to our children and future generations.

Moreover, this plan will authorize tax dollars to fund elective abortions.

Take ACTION: Send an email or a fax to your U.S. Representative now. Ask him or her to vote against H.R. 3962, the healthcare “reform” bill! Contact your U.S. Representative and tell him/her you oppose government run healthcare! Tell them you will be watching how they vote. Furthermore, tell them that you oppose any healthcare bill that would use your tax dollars to pay for abortions. Healthcare should be about saving lives, not destroying them.

Please take the time to watch this 3 minute video and call to action from U.S. Represenative Mike Pence (R-Fort Wayne).

Abortion is not healthcare!
This legislation would provide a public option, like Medicare, that authorizes government funded elective abortions. All amendments introduced in committee to remove the abortion funding have, thus far, been defeated.

When President Barack Obama was campaigning in 2007, he told Planned Parenthood that one of his priorities would be to include abortion in a public plan. His address to Planned Parenthood is available on YouTube.com HERE.

Speaker Pelosi plans to rush the healthcare reform bill, H.R. 3962, through the House this week, possibly on Thursday or Friday, November 5th or 6th.

If you feel strongly about this, then call and e-mail your Congressman several times this week at both their local and Washington, D.C. offices.

David  E. Smith
Dave Smith is the executive director of Illinois Family Institute (501c3) and Illinois Family Action (501c4). David has 30 years of experience in public policy and grass-roots activism that includes...
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