Obama’s Contraception and Abortifacient “Compromise” is Unacceptable
Obama’s Contraception and Abortifacient “Compromise” is Unacceptable
Written By David E. Smith   |   02.13.12
Reading Time: < 1 minute

President Barack Obama’s sweeping new proposal announced at Friday’s press conference now places a burden to facilitate abortions on “insurers rather than religious institutions.”  The problems with this “compromise” are obvious to most thinking Americans — obvious that is, to all but the main street media.

While faith-based employers will no longer be forced to directly fund products and services which they find morally objectionable, they will be be funding them through the overall cost of the healthcare coverage premium.  The Administration is “allowing” religious groups to “wash their hands” and declare their “innocence” of such actions. However, religious employers firmly understand government compulsion and hold this to be morally objectionable as they hold the highest respect for human life.

Moreover, the original mandate is not fully repealed.  The requirement will remain in place for other employers who may have conscience concerns about coverage of contraception and abortifacients.  Religious leaders have expressed their strong desire to repeal the entire contraceptive mandate.  They note that maintaining this new federal requirement included in the President’s unpopular health care law, would still create moral difficulties for “good business people who can’t in good conscience cooperate” with a federal mandate that violates universal moral standards.  The Obama Administration’s response demonstrates what Family Research Council has called an Anti-Religion, Anti-Conscience and Anti-Life policy position.

Obama’s compromise may have attempted to solve a political problem for the Administration but they have once again misunderstood the source of the conflict.  This new federal edict still forces citizens with moral objections to violate the fundamental tenets of their faith.

David  E. Smith
Dave Smith is the executive director of Illinois Family Institute (501c3) and Illinois Family Action (501c4). David has 30 years of experience in public policy and grass-roots activism that includes...
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