Sexually Explicit Video Game Capitalizes on ‘Sleaze Factor’
Sexually Explicit Video Game Capitalizes on ‘Sleaze Factor’
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Family News in Focus

Mature rating is unlikely to keep kids from the filth.

The sexually charged video game Mass Effect is rated “M” for Mature, but that doesn’t mean kids aren’t playing it. It has sold nearly 2 million copies.

Characters battle extraterrestrials but also become sexually involved, resulting in graphic scenes and nudity. Dr. Don Shifrin, spokesman for the American Academy of Pediatrics, said he worries kids will be exposed to the game.

“All of the younger kids want to do everything the older kids and adults do,” he said. “These games are very seductive and very attractive to youngsters who are under the age of 17.

“They will create an image in their own mind that sexuality has become normalized and that there’s no adverse consequences.”

Why do game-makers continue to push the envelope?

Bob Waliszewski, director of Focus on the Family’s Plugged In magazine and Website, said: “To be one step up on the competition, they need to do something, and, of course, a sleaze factor is an easy way to get a step up.”

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