“Angry Atheists” Hate This New Production
“Angry Atheists” Hate This New Production
Reading Time: 3 minutes

Dear Friend,

I really have something to say… that I have to get off my chest. Yes again. Sorry.

But this time what I have to say, in some ways… will shock you. Please read the entire message… it’s short and to the point.

Here’s what this is all about… many of you know that I have just released a new historical audio drama called In Freedom’s Cause. Like David Smith has for Illinois Family Institute, I’ve poured my heart and soul into In Freedom’s Cause.

And then, when I released it, a bunch of Christians attacked me for actually charging money for it instead of giving it away free. Listen, I emptied my retirement money completely to do this production. (I’m just trying to get some of the money back so I can do the next production.) But I’m doing all this because I really want to get the word out that history is full of great Christian heroes…

Just Like Kirk Cameron Did In His Movie, Monumental!

So here’s the thing that’s urgent… now a bunch of atheists want me to take the main video on my In Freedom’s Cause website down. I’m dead serious. They claim is that it’s “repugnant” because it talks about Christian history and… are you ready for this…

Perhaps Even A Hate Crime?

You have to ask yourself…”Has America really changed that much from the time I grew up?” Is simply telling the true story of a Christian’s life a hate crime? I really didn’t think so… but I have to face the facts…

America is in deep trouble and we desperately need to find our way back… so I’m asking for some help from some friends I know I can count on. Yep, I’m asking you for your help. Here goes:

Would you go to the In Freedom’s Cause website and simply “vote” on the video that these atheists say is repugnant? Then, if you want to leave comments and your “two cents”… I would be both grateful and honored.

Here is a link to the site. www.InFreedomsCause.com/vote-IFI3.html

If you have seen the video before… please, please, please vote anyway! Here’s why: I’m going to publically debate some of these atheists soon and I want to tell them that America is NOT what they say it is. Will you take a minute…

Will You Help Me Tell The World That
Americans Still Want True Freedom?

Please do this this right away, it’s urgent and important since the debates could start any day. Go to the website: www.InFreedomsCause.com/vote-IFI3.html

Watch the video and vote. In the comments box below the video, tell these atheists what you think. Tell them that our Founders were Christians.

Lastly, I have to say that going to Scotland and England to record the story of Wallace and Bruce has been one of the greatest things that has ever happened to me in my life and for that… I’m thankful.

As we move into Christmas, I want you all to know how thankful I am for you, David Smith, and Illinois Family Institute, who like Wallace is not afraid to take a stand.

Not sure what I would do without you. So, once again…

Thank You and Merry Christmas!

Bill Heid,
Executive Producer
In Freedom’s Cause
Under Drake’s Flag

P.S. I know the holidays are busy. But thank you to all of you who subscribe to Illinois Family Institute. It’s just another way to vote “no” to the atheists who not only want to take Christ out of history… but out of Christmas itself.

P.P.S. If you haven’t claimed a copy of In Freedom’s Cause yet and you’re a friend of David and Illinois Family Institute … use coupon code IFI3 to get half off on our Family Four Pack. Great for Christmas!


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