NBC Edits “Under God” out of Pledge – Twice! Demand an Explanation!
NBC Edits “Under God” out of Pledge – Twice! Demand an Explanation!
Reading Time: < 1 minute

By the American Family Association

NBC introduced its Sunday coverage of the US Open golf championship with a patriotically-themed piece, which included two recitations of the Pledge of Allegiance by American schoolchildren.

Astonishingly, NBC edited the words “under God” out of the Pledge not once but twice. Then an NBC commentator apologized on air later in the broadcast, admitting that NBC had edited the Pledge, but saying nothing, absolutely nothing, about which part of the Pledge NBC deliberately left on the cutting room floor.

NBC clumsily tried to conceal its insult to America’s religious heritage by inserting voice-overs after the words that preceded “under God,” in the vain hope that the American people would not notice. It didn’t work.

Watch the video montage here, in which you can see for yourself the hatchet job NBC did on the Pledge, and the network’s evasive apology.

NBC has offered no justification for its intentional decision to leave God out of the Pledge. Call or email NBC today and demand an explanation.

National Broadcasting Company, Inc.
30 Rockefeller Plaza
New York, NY 10112

Chris McCloskey – V.P., Communications
NBC Sports
(212) 664-5598

Talking points for the phone call:

1. I am furious with NBC for leaving “under God” out of the Pledge not once but twice in Sunday’s coverage of the US Open golf championship.

2. NBC’s on-air apology is completely unsatisfactory, because NBC did not admit which part of the Pledge had been removed.

3. I am calling to insist on an explanation from NBC for this grossly unpatriotic act.

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