Choose life

Choose life

“I call heaven and earth as witnesses today against you, that I have set before you life and death, blessing and cursing; therefore choose life, that both you and your descendants may live…”

~Deuteronomy 30:19

Defending Families

Defending Families

“Let each of you look out not only for his own interests, but also for the interests of others.”

~Phil. 2:4

Equipping The Body of Christ

Equipping The Body of Christ

“You are the light of the world… Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works and glorify your Father in heaven.”

~Matt. 5:14-16

Religious Liberty

Religious Liberty

An individual’s civil rights of religious liberty and freedom of conscience should be affirmed and free from government interference.

Does Your Vote Matter?
Please don't let talking heads discourage you. Don't be swayed by the polls... and do not be daunted by news of voter fraud. You do not want to be lulled into inactivity in this election. Your vote, our votes, absolutely matter!
By David E. Smith   |   10.22.24
Latest Articles
The Lie
A recent Axios article reports that a new "birth control pill" for men has started its early phase human trial. This once-a-day pill would inhibit a process involving vitamin A, which is implicated in male sperm production. 
By Ecce Verum   |   10.21.24
Christian Nationalism: The Cross and The Flag
What is our relationship with government, and when do we cross the line and begin to promote politics rather than the Gospel? In this thought-provoking and timely forty-minute lecture delivered onsite in Nuremberg, Dr. Erwin Lutzer explores the stadium where Hitler’s rallies were held as well as the courtroom where Nazi war criminals were tried. He discusses topics such as citizenship, national borders, morality, and political polarization.
By David E. Smith   |   10.19.24
Self Evident: Suing the City & Sharing the Gospel
In this exciting episode, Jenna and Alyssa sit down with Jeremy Chong, a member of the Jim Elliot Fellowship when he studied at Wheaton College. Back in 2019, Jeremy Chong along with the Jim Elliot Fellowship sued the City of Chicago for hampering their freedom of speech as they were preaching the gospel in Millennium Park:
By Alyssa Sonnenburg   |   10.19.24
Our Legacy
Nearly five years ago, the documentary “The Social Dilemma” (available on Netflix) took direct aim at social media, charging that companies like Facebook, Google, Twitter (now X), Snapchat, and others intentionally designed their products to addict users, especially children, and knowingly wreaked emotional harm on them.
By Thomas Hampson   |   10.18.24
2024 Voting Resources
For vital information about state and federal candidates, the IFI Voter Guide is the best source in the state of Illinois! Compare candidates’ positions on issues such as religious liberty, the sanctity of life, parental rights, transgenderism and crime. The non-partisan IFI Voter Guide will help you learn more about the candidates on the November 5th ballot and their positions on important issues that directly affect your family and the culture around us.
By David E. Smith   |   10.17.24
What Would You Say?
Should a Christian attend a same-sex “wedding?” Should I use preferred pronouns? Is IVF ethical? Questions like these pervade every inch of our society. Not only our society but also our churches.
By Alyssa Sonnenburg   |   10.17.24
Christians, Voting and Rusty Swords
Thomas Jefferson was absolutely correct when he said: “We do not have government by the majority. We have government by the majority who participate.”
By David E. Smith   |   10.16.24
Database Exposes Hospitals That Provide ‘Gender-Affirming Care’
A newly-created database called the Stop the Harm Database shows that 225 hospitals around the United States offer so-called “gender-affirming care” to minor children. Sadly, many of the hospitals listed in the database are right here in Illinois.
By David E. Smith   |   10.15.24
Blog Pre-election Musings
“Will Your Presidential Vote Send You to Hell?” It was a bit of a startling headline. But that, of course, is the idea of such a tease. I love the challenge of headline writers.
That Pesky First Amendment
To many on the left, the First Amendment to the U.S. Constitution seems to be a hurdle to overcome because it stands in the way of their radical agenda. But in reality, the First Amendment is a gift to help keep us free.
By Dr. Jerry Newcombe   |   10.12.24
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