Peace Peace, When There is No Peace
Peace Peace, When There is No Peace

Near where I live, there is a park and a little lake where I walk. Some evenings I notice a lot of Asians. Other evenings I am barraged with people from India, flying kites. I often see people from Pakistan as they boldly bow their faces on the ground while facing Mecca.

I thought, “I can’t go to the world, but the world is coming to us.” So I have tried to befriend some of the ladies, even taking gifts of fresh baked bread and visiting in their homes. So far I have noticed there is no curiosity as to what makes me, an American, tick. They don’t seem to want to fit in with our society. But they are anxious to recruit me, inviting me to their Friday evening dinner.

February 5, 2016 the Islamic Center of Peoria held a dinner, an event to support UPF’s mission of Peace through Positive Muslim stories.

Next, Peoria, was saturated with a billboard campaign advertising an upcoming meeting with the words, Know Islam, Know Peace. This was billed as an interfaith Unity Event.

Two acquaintances attended the Know Islam, March 7th Know Peace event. There were over 800 people at the meeting. One said that he saw first hand how the leaders at this mosque comprised of several churches leaders, state representatives, Peoria government and Peoria police.

They sanitized the name of Allah and replaced all references of Allah by using the name of God. They were handing out Qur’ans that have been sanitized to show enlightenment, closeness to God, peace and spirituality. They also handed out a very expensive booklet entitled A Brief Illustrated Guide To Understanding Islam. Following the event they held a love fest for the people who profess Islam. One friend said that it made him feel like a sheep penned up waiting for the day of slaughter. So many in the audience and most speakers were drunk on Islam Kool-Aid.

In summary, it was emphasized that any negative talk about Islam should not be tolerated and should be considered Islamphobia.

It is easy to see how people will be so easily deceived in the end days. This revelation was very sobering and shocking. At the end of the speeches on how we need to conduct ourselves and that we are to educate ourselves with Islam and that leaders at the mosque have a strong relationship bond of tolerating one another, they invited to feed everyone a Pakistan-styled dinner. Many did not stay, Everyone leaving was handed a rose with a saying tied to it with silver thread. The saying was, “God is Kind and loves kindness in all things” – Prophet Muhammad

Peace for Peoria, Townhall Q & A, another well-funded, well-publicized event took place Monday May 16 at Peoria Civic Center. Only questions submitted ahead of the meeting to determine which questions are asked most and which ones to address. Those participating in the opening remarks were Caterpillar CEO, OSF President, Unity Point President and Bradley University President. Peoria’s Mayor, Jim Ardis closed the meeting.

It is clear that we cannot be passive. We must find a way to counter this message draped in love and peace. It is definitely right out of the playbook on how Muhammad conducted himself when he was weak and outnumbered. If any decision is made to counter, it will have to be done in such a way that we do not appear to be vicious attack dogs.

If this intense saturation is happening very quickly in Peoria, what might be happening in other cities, towns and villages in Illinois?

Perhaps a good model to use is Shahram Hadian’s approach with the Truth In Love Project somehow with a tied in with ACT for America. Pastor Shahram lives in the Seattle area and has been speaking across the nation. Perhaps we could bring him to Peoria or use his DVD’s.

For more information: Go to then click media and watch DVD’s of each speaker at the Know Islam, Know Peace Event.

Jenny L. Keller
IFI Tri County Chapter (Peoria/Woodford/Tazwell)

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