Leftists Are Making False Claims About the ERA
Leftists Are Making False Claims About the ERA
Reading Time: 2 minutes

Written by Elise Bouc
State Chairman, Stop ERA Illinois

We have been successful in fighting the ERA in Illinois for many years due in part to the truth of our claims about the problems with the ERA.  When I met with legislators recently, I learned that the supporters of the ERA are trying to blunt our claims by telling the legislators that the ERA will not have any impact on abortion.  You and I know that is simply not true.  State ERA’s have already been used in state courts to expand Medicaid funding for elective abortions.

In addition, abortion rights advocates (and ERA supporters) have demonstrated their belief that the ERA is connected with abortion in court briefs that they’ve filed stating that state ERA’s require unrestricted access to abortions.

Take ACTION: We need your help to set the record straight with your state representative as well as your friends and neighbors who may be equally confused.  It is vital that your state lawmakers in the Illinois House and the Illinois Senate hear from you and other pro-life voters regarding this proposal. Please call the offices of your state senator and representative today to urge them to vote NO on the ERA.

The Springfield switchboard number is (217) 782-2000.

The second part of the 2017 veto session is scheduled for November 7th, 8th and 9th.  Therefore, it is urgent that you call as soon as you are able.


Click HERE for a new question and answer sheet that answers all the questions we’ve been hearing about the ERA abortion connection.  Each answer is well documented to provide clear proof of our claims.  For those who like a quick summary, click HERE for the main points.

Please do three things:

1)  Contact both your state representative and state senator and encourage them to vote no on the ERA (SJRCA-4).  Please be civil with them.  Let them know that the ERA is clearly an anti-life bill, and it will negatively impact the unborn child.  If you are able, gather some friends and request a meeting with your legislators to better educate them on the ERA abortion connection.  Share both the executive summary and question answer piece with your legislators if possible.

2)  Share this email with others in your area who will help in our efforts.

3)  Educate your friends, family, and associates about the strong ERA abortion connection.

The Illinois General Assembly will meet again next week for 3 days (November 7-9) during which they could vote on the ERA, and then they are done for the year.  However, this issue may come up again during the 2018 legislative session.

Thank you for taking action on this important issue.  Truth is on our side, and we don’t fight this battle alone.   Please pray that our state lawmakers understand what is at stake.

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