Render Unto Caesar or Unto God?  Government Funding and the Crisis of Conscience
By   |   11.12.13
Back in 1869, Baptists in Kentucky established a “Home for the Helpless,” seeking to serve orphans and other homeless children. Like so many other Christian churches and denominations of the era, Louisville’s Baptists saw the need for an orphanage to provide care for parentless and abandoned children, who before the establishment of orphanages were housed with adults in almshouses.
‘Gays’ Admit ENDA game: Outlaw Christian Morality
By   |   11.11.13
The religious liberty death spiral continues. One of the most dangerous and discriminatory pieces of legislation in modern times – the ironically tagged “Employment Non-Discrimination Act,” or ENDA – passed the U.S. Senate on Thursday by a vote of 64-32....
In NY: Saying No to “Gay Wedding” Puts Your Business At Risk
By   |   11.10.13
New York’s homosexual marriage and anti-discrimination laws are already taking a toll on Christian business owners, one of whom is currently before the state’s Human Rights Commission. Robert and Cynthia Gifford own the 100-acre Liberty Ridge Farm, a business in...
The End of Religious Liberty in the Land of Lincoln
This week, the Illinois House of Representatives completed a mission started by its Senate counterparts in February by redefining what is outside of its authority: a nature-ordered union of one man and one woman, the institution of marriage. Come June 1, 2014 marriage in Illinois will be defined as "between two persons."
SB 10 and the Loss of Religious Liberties
By David E. Smith   |   11.03.13
As state lawmakers prepare to go back to Springfield for the second half of the fall veto session this week and as rumors intensify about a pending vote on redefining the institution of marriage (SB 10), citizens of...
Will Discrimination Cost Us Religious Freedom?
By   |   10.21.13
How exactly is discrimination defined, and what constitutes discrimination? These are questions that are not merely hypothetical or conjecture anymore, these are serious questions that every person must definitively answer. The culture is currently trying to define the word discrimination...
Army Says SPLC is Wrong, AFA is Right
By Tim Wildmon   |   10.17.13
The U.S. Army has admitted it was wrong to use false information in a recent training module that named AFA as a “domestic hate group.” The lie had been widely disseminated by the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC).  Army spokesman...
Air Force Sergeant  Booted for Views on Marriage
By David E. Smith   |   10.12.13
An U.S. Air Force sergeant has filed a discrimination complaint after being relieved of his duties because of his religious beliefs about the institution of marriage.  Senior Master Sergeant Phillip Monk says he was subject to disciplinary action because he...
Religious Freedom Bill Promoted in Congress
By David E. Smith   |   10.08.13
Two Illinois members of Congress have joined as sponsors of legislation to protect citizens who believe in natural marriage from religious discrimination by the government.  U.S. Representatives Randy Hultgren (R-Geneva) and Daniel Lipinski (D-Chicago) have signed on as co-sponsors of...
Test Cases for the Freedoms of Religion and Conscience
By Dr. Michael L. Brown   |   09.06.13
Already in April, 2009, an article in the Washington Post documented how, “Faith organizations and individuals who view homosexuality as sinful and refuse to provide services to gay people are losing a growing number of legal battles that they say...
Will Church Speech Be Regulated?
By   |   09.05.13
A new report by the Evangelicals Council for Financial Accountability says that the government’s attempts to regulate the political involvement and speech of 501(c)(3) groups, particularly churches, is ineffective. A combination of factors, such as the vagueness of laws, inconsistent...
Why the War on Discrimination Doesn’t Help
If we've heard it once, we've heard it a million times. Discrimination is bad and people who do it should be publicly scorned. I get it. But what exactly does it mean to say you don't discriminate?
Chris Christie Signs Discrimination Into Law
By Dr. Michael L. Brown   |   08.31.13
Despite his “concerns about [the] government limiting parental choice on the care and treatment of their own children,” Governor Chris Christie signed into law a ban on ex-gay therapy for minors, thereby committing an outrageous act against both the people...
Gospel Singer: I Was ‘Asked Not to Attend’ My Own Concert
By   |   08.29.13
Washington, DC, may have violated its own anti-discrimination ordinance in asking an award-winning gospel singer who was delivered from homosexuality not to attend a special event. Donnie McClurkin was to appear at the 50th anniversary of the Martin Luther...
DOJ Pride Wants to Require Employees to Support LGBT Lifestyle
By   |   07.30.13
An LGBT activist group called DOJ Pride would like for all DOJ employees to not just accept the homosexual lifestyle, but to affirm and support it in a vocal way. As they made clear, “silence will be interpreted as disapproval.”...
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