Harvard Researchers: Marriage is Good (Really!)
By Mae Arthur   |   04.19.23
A recent episode of Dr. Albert Mohler’s “The Briefing” highlighted a study, published in the scientific journal “Global Epidemiology” on the effect of marriage on the physical and emotional health of a group of female nurses. The study, authored by two researchers from Harvard University’s Human Flourishing Program, revealed results that...
How Are Christians To Live In A Darkening World?
By David Lovi   |   04.17.23
Our world seems to be getting darker by the minute. At the time this article is being written, there have been 496 shootings, and 19,375 overall violent crimes this year in the city of Chicago alone. These are simply staggering numbers. According to the Chicago Police crime statistics website, the violent crime rate in the city is up 45 percent from last year, and 95 percent from the year before.
No Common Sense
By Thomas Hampson   |   04.15.23
Schools throughout Illinois have implemented rules that require students to be allowed to use the restrooms and locker rooms consistent with their gender identity, but it is not clear exactly how many schools. So a trans boy, who is really a girl, is allowed to use the boys’ restroom and locker room.
God and Guns
By Rev. Thorin Anderson   |   04.15.23
I was, for a short time during college, a volunteer fireman, and my responsibility was to operate the equipment while more experienced firemen entered the burning building.  Following a fire at one house, another student who had gone inside told me how he stood in the smoke-filled kitchen spraying water at the flames to no avail.  It wasn’t until he realized that he was facing a mirrored wall and that the flames were actually behind him that he turned and was able to extinguish the fire.  As long as he was sending water in the wrong direction the fire continued unabated.
Opposing Transgenderism Is Not Genocide
By Oliver Perry   |   04.14.23
America’s children are being targeted by sex predators. Their recruiters are already in our schools and libraries. These “transgender” people need your children as converts. Consider: Children returning from school carrying "gender unicorn lessons," which teach strange ideas of sex and gender; Public libraries are conditioning your children through “drag queen readings" to get children familiar with these recruiters; Schools are hiding from parents that they're giving puberty blocking drugs to their children.
Secularism or Paganism?
By   |   04.11.23
For the last century, the United States of America has engaged in a great secular experiment: what if we pretended that God was irrelevant? What if we pretended that we could make laws that ignored God? Could the ‘public square’ be a place of free, rational discourse—free from claims about the implications of Christian theism on public life? This pretended neutrality has served to reveal one thing: that the line between secularism and paganism is dangerously thin.
America’s Declining Biblical Worldview
By Ecce Verum   |   04.10.23
I've often heard the term "worldview" compared to a pair of glasses—your worldview is the lens that sits right in front of your spiritual eyes and affects the way you see everything. If your glasses are scratched, the whole world will look scratched. If your glasses are smudged, the whole world will look smudged. And if your glasses are pink-tinted, the whole world will look pink. And so, the best way to deal with someone who insists the world is pink is not to endlessly debate back and forth about any particular object whose color you disagree about, but rather to change out their glasses for a pair that lets them see the world as it really is.
Help Resurrect Easter
So the grandest of all Christian celebrations is upon us. This year, Friday April 7th is Good Friday. Sunday April 9th is Easter. Or Resurrection Day as some prefer to call it. The two dates vary from year to year. Why? It’s, well, complicated. Why do these two occasions give us the grandest of our faith celebrations as Christ followers? Because we get to color Easter eggs? Uh…wrong answer.
All Who Hate Me Love Death
By   |   04.03.23
In Proverbs 8:36, Lady Wisdom declares that “All who hate me love death.” Those who scorn wisdom, who are wise in their own eyes, are not merely prideful, they have a death wish. Wisdom comes to us in many forms. Principally through God’s Word and his Church, but also through the traditions of our family, culture, and nation (Prov. 6:20, 22:28). When a nation rejects these forms of wisdom, it will be a nation soaked with blood.
California Dreaming?
By Thomas Hampson   |   03.29.23
Is it possible that our legislators are trying their best to make Illinois the California of the Midwest, without the mountains or beautiful weather? Our Governors, most certainly, are competing. Both have wildly inflated egos, both ignored their own directives during the height of the pandemic, and both have designs on the White House.
Our Cultural Whitewashing
By Dr. Jerry Newcombe   |   03.27.23
Not too long ago Mr. Potato Head was in trouble. In a day when even a sitting U.S. Supreme Court justice claims not to know how to define a woman, the hubris of calling any toy “Mr.” is just too much for our present culture.

Even Piers Morgan was upset about this tempest-in-a-teapot because the “Mr.” part of Mr. Potato Head was “upsetting a few wokies.”
What’s To Be Done?
By Rev. Thorin Anderson   |   03.25.23
My mentor, when I became the leader of a pro-life organization, told me that it was not enough to inform Christians regarding the issues at stake in the abortion battle; I had to give them something to do or they would become frustrated and inactive. As I have listened to conservatives address the multiple threats the Left poses to America and our liberties, I find myself frustrated by the lack of options they present.
U.S. Representative Mary Miller’s Congressional Family Caucus
By Ecce Verum   |   03.24.23
Earlier this month, Representative Mary Miller (R-IL) announced the launch of the Congressional Family Caucus from the floor of the U.S. House of Representatives. In a brief but spirited speech, she explained that the caucus' purpose is to defend the natural family from Left-grounded erosion.
The Trans Quagmire – How We Got Here
By Thomas Hampson   |   03.22.23
The controversy over transgenderism arose a few years ago seemingly out of nowhere. But when it did arise, it erupted like a cultural Mount St. Helens. The transgender cause has not been part of the LGB agenda until recently. When Kirk and Madsen wrote their book, published in 1990, “After the Ball," I don't recall they made any mention of the transgender issue. At that time, there were transvestites—men that dressed as women who were a recognized part of the community.
We Must Share God’s Law and Gospel
By Calvin Lindstrom   |   03.21.23
The great theologian and reformer, John Calvin, studied law before his conversion and service to the Lord as a pastor and teacher. He later wrote and taught on the use and purpose of God’s law: 1] It shows the way of perfect righteousness and also reveals to us how great is our sin. 2] It helps to restrain evil and maintain order in society. 3] It continues to guide believers in terms of our duty.
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