Biden’s DOJ Squelching Conscience Rights
By Dr. Jerry Newcombe   |   09.22.22
What is the government alleging was illegal? Certainly it’s not illegal for an organization to be involved with crafting legislation?

The Biden Administration’s action is particularly astounding because we do not yet fully grasp the long-term deleterious effects of the puberty blockers and body-part-removal surgeries to “cure” gender dysphoria.
How to Make Immorality Unjudge-able: Redefine Identity
By Laurie Higgins   |   09.15.22
Sexual libertines long sought to transform cultural disapproval of homoeroticism into approval, and one way they pursued this goal was to co-opt the fight of blacks for racial equality. Hence, they pursued the inclusion of homosexuality (and now “gender identity”) in anti-discrimination law. To that end, sexual libertines relentlessly compared those two groups (i.e., blacks and homosexuals) who had been historically mistreated, suggesting without proving that since blacks have been stigmatized and mistreated and homosexuals have been stigmatized and mistreated, the two conditions are ontologically the same and must be thought of and treated in all contexts as identical.
Evanston Follows “Trans” Cultism & Equity Logic to Their Indecent End
By Laurie Higgins   |   09.09.22
The Human Services Committee of Evanston City Council recently voted unanimously to send Alderman Devon Reid’s proposed ordinance to allow women to go topless in “all public places” to the “Equity and Empowerment Committee.” Reid wants his proposed ordinance reviewed over concerns that “it excluded the transgender community.” How?!?! Well, apparently, some objected to the ordinance’s “gender binary” language. Evanston sex-deniers cannot tolerate any public acknowledgment that the human species is a sex-binary species.
Who Are the Semi-Fascists?
By Laurie Higgins   |   09.02.22
Days ago at a private fundraiser, our semi-pervy, semi-senile semi-president said that “not just Trump” but “the entire philosophy that underpins”—well, that’s where it gets a bit fuzzy, since our semi-articulate president broke off his semi-thought for a semi-moment as is his practice. When Biden-the-Unifier regained consciousness, he described “the entire philosophy that underpins”—presumably support for Trump—as “semi-fascism”...
Lincoln Park Zoo and Paramount School of the Arts Drag Children Down
By Laurie Higgins   |   08.31.22
Just eight years ago, drag queens were a smallish plague found only in weird clubs catering to weird adults with weird “entertainment” tastes. Then lesbian/unfit mother Michelle Tea's darkened mind spawned a dark idea that she mistook for a brilliant one: drag queen story hours for preschoolers at public libraries. The dark idea has swept the nation in a movement that only a father of lies could love. And now it’s landed in Chicago’s Lincoln Park Zoo, giving new meaning to the zoo’s motto: “Lincoln Park Zoo. For Wildlife. For All.”
The Tide Is Turning Against Transgender Activism
By Dr. Michael L. Brown   |   08.23.22
Just as we should have compassion on those who truly struggle with their gender identity, we should stand firmly against transgender activism. Thankfully, there are more and more signs that the tide is turning against this latest example of sociological contagion.
Wheaton Illinois School District’s Atrocious Leadership
By Laurie Higgins   |   08.11.22
With regard to public schools and sexuality, this is the worst of times. It is an age of incomprehensible and destructive foolishness. It is a season of darkness into which America has been plunged by sexual anarchists like Maia Kobabe whose creepy adult comic book graphic memoir continues to divide communities.
Regarding Brittney Griner & Monkeypox
By Laurie Higgins   |   08.10.22
Brittney Griner is the gun-toting, hashish-vaping WNBA player with a temper who seduced, assaulted, and abandoned her pregnant former “wife.” She’s now in a Russian prison for violating their drug laws. Despite Griner’s support for the Second Amendment, her abusive treatment of women, and her arrogant disrespect for another culture demonstrated by breaking their laws, the left will celebrate her. Why? Because Griner is a lesbian and hates America’s national anthem.
What Was Sodom’s Sin?
By Calvin Lindstrom   |   08.10.22
Recently on social media and in the past, various people have claimed that Sodom was destroyed because the citizens of Sodom were not helping the poor... The city of Sodom is first mentioned in Scripture in Genesis 10:19. Three other cities were in the vicinity of Sodom: Gomorrah, Admah, and Zeboiim. Often the cities of Sodom and Gomorrah are mentioned together but Sodom stands out in the listing of these cities and is mentioned the most of the four cities in Scripture - 49 times.
The Newest Member of Biden’s Stable of Degenerates
By Laurie Higgins   |   08.03.22
There is no degrading depth to which the Biden administration will not sink in its effort to appease sexual deviants and promote sexual deviance while concomitantly offending deplorables of every color. No, I’m not talking about Biden’s appointment of Dr. “Rachel” Levine... Nor am I talking about Sam Brinton...
I Have Voted Republican for Many Years, But I Do Not Put My Trust in a Political Party
By Dr. Michael L. Brown   |   07.25.22
Because the Republican platforms over the years have been much closer to my values than the Democratic platforms, I have voted Republican for as long as I can remember. But when it comes to bringing about moral and cultural change in America, I do not look to a political party. Not a chance. There is moral compromise in both major parties, and the battle we are fighting for the soul of the nation is a spiritual battle long before it is a political battle. The recent U.S. House vote to codify same-sex “marriage” was yet another reminder for us.
Elite U.S. Private Schools Join Forces with Sex Change Peddlers
By Alex Newman   |   07.19.22
A prominent organization that accredits hundreds of elite private schools across America has joined forces with a fringe leftwing organization that promotes transgenderism and even castration of children. The news is fueling concern among critics even as millions of families flee government schools over similar indoctrination of children in tax-funded “education.”
UC Berkeley Prof. Proves Smart People Can Be Ignorant
By Laurie Higgins   |   07.14.22
In a U.S. Senate Judiciary Committee Hearing on abortion rights on Tuesday, July 12, 2022, UC Berkeley professor and far leftist (but I repeat myself) Khiara Bridges demonstrated that even smart people can be wildly ignorant. She is also an arrogant ideologue who fancies herself clever.
Father’s Day in a Sex-Stupid Era
By Laurie Higgins   |   06.18.22
Once upon a time, all Americans understood the essential role of fathers in the nurturing of their children, which, in turn, is essential for flourishing families and safe and healthy communities. Once upon a time, society understood that fathers—like mothers—are indispensable. Hear the words of a past president, urging Americans to better understand the singular blessings and obligations of fatherhood:
It’s a Queer, Queer, Queer, Queer World
By Laurie Higgins   |   06.17.22
It’s a queer, queer, queer, queer world, becoming systemically queerer every day that “progressives” control big government, big tech, big business, big education, big entertainment, and big medicine. As many have pointed out, the fact that we have a day to celebrate Martin Luther King Jr. but a month to celebrate shameful sexual perversion illustrates just how queer America has already become. The aspirational, inspirational goal of judging people by the content of their character has been discarded to make a safe space for the dispiriting goal of judging people by the degree to which their sexual appetites deviate from the normal, healthy, good, and right.
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