Snakes in the Grass
By Rev. Thorin Anderson   |   05.24.23
Things are truly upside-down. Christians, who have been scorned forever as weak and milk-toast, are suddenly public enemy number one. And while Christianity has been the source of thousands of American charities and the inspiration for hospitals, medical care, and education worldwide, it is now labeled by the Left as hateful and bigoted. Then we see destructive anarchist groups like Antifa and BLM glorified in the Media and academia as forces for good!  How could this be?
WHO Pushes Sex Perversion for BABIES
By Alex Newman   |   05.19.23
Following in the footsteps of perverted sex maniac Alfred Kinsey responsible for the sexual abuse and torture of countless children, the United Nations World Health Organization (WHO)is pushing the grotesque view that babies and children under 4-years old should be masturbating while exploring sexuality and gender — and that governments should encourage this. Yes, seriously.
Tampons In Illinois Men’s Rooms? It’s Coming
By Gabriel Syme   |   05.17.23
There are times when it gets wearisome, needing to expose the increasing insanity of the Illinois legislature. This is one of those times. In a piece of legislature that defies biology as well as puts a gigantic burden on every single public business in Illinois, the new House Bill 3093 Amends the Equitable Restrooms Act.
Woke Intolerance
By Ecce Verum   |   05.09.23
We've all seen the bumper sticker that spells COEXIST by combining the symbols of major world religions in a convenient order. The bumper sticker seems reasonable; after all, isn't it just representing the world as it is—people of many religions all existing side by side in the same space? If that were all the bumper sticker meant, then I might consider putting one on my car; it's an obviously true fact about the world. However, the sticker means much more than that...
Mr. Beast, Chris Tyson, and the Wolf in Sheep’s Clothing
By Kenna Rose   |   05.02.23
If you’ve never heard of Jimmy Donaldson, more commonly known by the moniker Mr. Beast, ask your child who he is. He (or she) likely knows. Mr. Beast is a highly popular YouTuber with multiple channels dedicated to various things, such as friendly competitions, gaming, and philanthropy... Chris Tyson is a member of Mr. Beast’s cast of friends. Over the past couple of months, viewers noticed that Tyson has started to look and act differently in videos. The reason why became clear when Tyson revealed on Twitter that he has been going through hormone treatments to try and ‘transition’ into a girl. What makes this even sadder is that Tyson has a wife and son, who now must deal with the inevitable fallout of Tyson’s decision.
Facts Matter
By Thomas Hampson   |   05.01.23
Several decades ago, a very prominent liberal in Illinois once told me that “there are facts and there are principles. I believe in principles. If the facts contradict the principles, then the facts must be ignored.” This seems to be the thinking of large swaths of our current population. Forget the facts. All that is important is what we believe.
Ryan Bomberger: Adopted and Loved
By Kenna Rose   |   04.29.23
Ryan Bomberger, cofounder of The Radiance Foundation calls out the lies about abortion and "race" as he celebrates the beauty of adoption. Ryan is one of those "exceptions" cases that defines the injustice of abortion, yet he was adopted and loved. Life is a precious, precious gift. Whether planned or unplanned, every human life has purpose.
Basic Fairness in Women’s Sports
By Dr. Jerry Newcombe   |   04.28.23
In October of last year, in a “girls” high school volleyball game in North Carolina, a student was injured painfully. The ball was spiked by a member of the opposing team—only it wasn’t by a biological female but a biological male—a transgender player. That had to leave a mark.
Illinois “Progressives” Want to Expunge Pronouns in State Statute
By David Lovi   |   04.25.23
There is something rotten in the Illinois General Assembly. Dozens of Illinois Democrats are cosponsoring House Bill 1596, titled, “The Children And Family Services Act,” a bill that will expunge every occurrence of the pronouns “he,” “she,” “his,” and “her” from existing laws pertaining to children. Wherever the law formerly stated, “he or she,” or “his or her” it now says, “the minor,” or “the child,” or “the applicant,” or “the member.”
Everything Is Not Awesome At Lego
By Kenna Rose   |   04.25.23
Last December, we published an article about how American Girl went woke, pushing gender ideology and the LGBTQ agenda through their dolls and books. Sadly, American Girl isn’t the only generationally beloved toy company to have embraced the way of the world. The latest toy company to have gone full woke is Lego, and as in the case of American Girl, this isn’t a sudden switch.
Just Look at the Trajectory, My Friend
By Dr. Michael L. Brown   |   04.24.23
When you’re trying to work through a major, difficult decision, one of the key questions to ask is: If I take this to its logical extreme, where will it end? Or, put another way: Am I heading in the right direction or the wrong direction?
By Their Fruits Let Them Be Judged
By Rev. Thorin Anderson   |   04.22.23
America is being turned upside down.  As it is going, the country will soon be unrecognizable, with personal freedoms limited if not erased and our Christian heritage and principles obliterated.  Despite the Leftists proclamations that they are the defenders of democracy, what they are promoting will eliminate democracy, for it destroys its foundation. 
The Trans Divide
By Thomas Hampson   |   04.18.23
The world’s richest man has it right. Last Friday Elon Musk tweeted, “[a]ny parent or doctor who sterilizes a child before they are a consenting adult should go to prison for life.” Twenty years ago this would not have been a controversial statement. The general response would have been, “of course.” But today it is a position at the very edge of a massive chasm that exists between the left and the right. How did this happen, and why?
No Common Sense
By Thomas Hampson   |   04.15.23
Schools throughout Illinois have implemented rules that require students to be allowed to use the restrooms and locker rooms consistent with their gender identity, but it is not clear exactly how many schools. So a trans boy, who is really a girl, is allowed to use the boys’ restroom and locker room.
Opposing Transgenderism Is Not Genocide
By Oliver Perry   |   04.14.23
America’s children are being targeted by sex predators. Their recruiters are already in our schools and libraries. These “transgender” people need your children as converts. Consider: Children returning from school carrying "gender unicorn lessons," which teach strange ideas of sex and gender; Public libraries are conditioning your children through “drag queen readings" to get children familiar with these recruiters; Schools are hiding from parents that they're giving puberty blocking drugs to their children.
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