By Laurie Higgins
While many Republicans are celebrating Tulsi Gabbard’s exit from the destructive Democrat Party, Illinois Family Institute is taking a wait-and-see approach to yet another political incarnation of Gabbard. While rejecting the Democrat Party and its baleful policies is always a...
By Ecce Verum
Roe v. Wade had long been a prize jewel in the crown of leftist accomplishments. And Democrats fought hard against appointing the new justices who recently overthrew it. Now that it's gone, the liberals are destroying every obstacle they can to get it back. Next target: the U.S. Senate filibuster.
We cannot remain silent in our disappointment over the move by U.S. Senator Lindsey Graham (R-SC) and U.S. Representative Chris Smith (R-NJ) to propose a federal ban on post-15-week abortions.
By Dr. Jerry Newcombe
What is the government alleging was illegal? Certainly it’s not illegal for an organization to be involved with crafting legislation?The Biden Administration’s action is particularly astounding because we do not yet fully grasp the long-term deleterious effects of the puberty blockers and body-part-removal surgeries to “cure” gender dysphoria.
By Rev. Thorin Anderson
On paper, the United States is a democratic republic. But one could argue that we have become a tyranny of thugs where people are afraid to speak their minds, and media giants shut down voices with which they disagree. In a republic the majority rules while the minority has significant protections. Amazingly, it is now an angry, vocal minority that rules. The majority is, by law, supposed to get its way, but many significant changes are being made in America against the will of the majority, the Constitution, and the laws of the land. We live in perilous times.
By Oliver Perry
We’ve heard that the SCOTUS is threatening democracy. For example, the recent Dobbs decision broke democracy – or affirmed it, depending on your point of view. It turns out that the Court can easily break American democracy, if it’s inclined to. All that need happen is for some justices to stop acting like jurists, and start acting like they took bribes. This article explores:
By Laurie Higgins
There is no degrading depth to which the Biden administration will not sink in its effort to appease sexual deviants and promote sexual deviance while concomitantly offending deplorables of every color. No, I’m not talking about Biden’s appointment of Dr. “Rachel” Levine... Nor am I talking about Sam Brinton...
By Dr. Michael L. Brown
Because the Republican platforms over the years have been much closer to my values than the Democratic platforms, I have voted Republican for as long as I can remember. But when it comes to bringing about moral and cultural change in America, I do not look to a political party. Not a chance. There is moral compromise in both major parties, and the battle we are fighting for the soul of the nation is a spiritual battle long before it is a political battle. The recent U.S. House vote to codify same-sex “marriage” was yet another reminder for us.
By Laurie Higgins
Since the unconstitutional Roe was overturned, leftists have been roiling in rage at the thought that states are now free to enact the will of the people with regard to killing humans in the womb. In his concurrence, Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas argued that three other Supreme Court cases should be revisited in that they too lacked constitutional grounding—an argument made also by the esteemed Antonin Scalia and Robert Bork.
By Laurie Higgins
In a U.S. Senate Judiciary Committee Hearing on abortion rights on Tuesday, July 12, 2022, UC Berkeley professor and far leftist (but I repeat myself) Khiara Bridges demonstrated that even smart people can be wildly ignorant. She is also an arrogant ideologue who fancies herself clever.
By Dr. Jerry Newcombe
Biden’s border crisis is dangerous enough already, and it may soon get worse. But his Secretary of Homeland Security, Alejandra Mayorkas, paints a rosier picture, “We are preparing for the end of Title 42….We continue to enforce the laws of this country.”
By Alex Newman
Under the leadership of a Communist Chinese-backed “former” Marxist terror leader, the UN World Health Organization (WHO) and the Biden administration are plotting an unprecedented power grab to build a planetary bio-medical police state. Think Shanghai during lockdown, but worldwide. Leading experts argue that this is truly the emergence of the “New World Order” discussed by Biden and others.
By Laurie Higgins
The Biden administration calls it the “Disinformation Governance Board” (DGB—word on the streets is that it was going to be named the “Knowledge Governance Board,” but “KGB” was already taken).
The rest of America calls it the Ministry of Truth,...
By Lynn Bowman Tabb
The Biden Administration’s efforts to trample our Second Amendment rights fall into two categories: overt and covert.
In the more overt category is the game of “changing semantics”- the evolution of word usage usually to the point that the modern...
By Laurie Higgins
U.S. Supreme Court nominee Ketanji Brown Jackson has provided sufficient evidence for the U.S. Senate to vote against her nomination to fill Justice Stephen Breyer’s seat following the full-court press he received from leftists to abdicate his lifelong seat before...