Good Friday — “It is Finished!”
He committed no sin, neither was deceit found in his mouth. When he was reviled, he did not revile in return; when he suffered, he did not threaten, but continued entrusting himself to him who judges justly. He himself bore our sins in his body on the tree, that we might die to sin and live to righteousness. By his wounds you have been healed. For you were straying like sheep, but have now returned to the Shepherd and Overseer of your souls. ~1 Peter 22-25
Why Would a Church Support Abortion?
This year my organization joined with our Roman Catholic allies in filing a legal brief with the U.S. Supreme Court asking the court to uphold Texas’ laws regulating the abortion industry. That isn’t all that surprising. After all, Catholics and evangelicals have been working together for decades to uphold the sanctity of human life. What was surprising was that an opposing brief, filed by a Baptist church, argued that legal abortion is moral and just.
Illinois Legislators Pray for Miracles
By Monte Larrick   |   02.25.16
A group of Illinois lawmakers is seeking divine intervention as the state budget stalemate lingers. Members of the Legislative Prayer Caucus are asking for prayers as they work to find solutions to the state’s fiscal and moral problems…and they are...
False Grace, Loving God and Hating Evil
By   |   02.22.16
What a mess our world is in. What a mess America is in. What a mess the church is in. Depressed yet? Isaiah 5:20 encapsulates, I believe, the cultural condition of much of the world, most of America and an...
An ‘Epic Fail’ for 25% of America’s Churches
By Micah Clark   |   02.19.16
The American Bible Society’s fifth annual State of the Bible survey of 2,000 Americans has some interesting findings.  Not everything in the extensive poll is discouraging. In fact many findings are very encouraging and perhaps courter-cultural compared to the Hollywood...
Women and the Draft
By   |   02.18.16
If there really are no differences between men and women, then sure, subject women to the military draft. However, the Christian worldview doesn't overlook or ignore the differences between men and women, but celebrates those differences. Equality doesn't mean common sense should be silenced in favor of political correctness.
Johnny Cash: The Unsung Disciple
By   |   02.08.16
On the 26th of this month, legendary singer/song-writer and iced-cool customer Johnny Cash would have celebrated his 85th birthday. Even as I write, his live version of “Folsom Prison Blues” click-clacks through my earbuds like a Southern Pacific boxcar over...
Engaging the Culture: What Does That Mean?
By   |   02.06.16
Back in the old days — so I’m told — Christians used to compete with one another to see who could reject culture the most. Sometimes this was good and necessary. For example, whatever you think of the Temperance Movement...
So, You’re Done With Church?
By Rev. Thorin Anderson   |   02.02.16
I read the complaints and whining of Christians about their experiences with other Christians and  churches and, if it weren’t for the fact that I fall into the same discouragement about churches and Christians from time-to-time, I would scream out,...
Myth Busted: ‘Separation of Church and State’
By   |   02.01.16
The American church has a problem. It’s one part fear, one part confusion and one part apathy. Pastors, priests and rabbis have long swallowed the false notion that all things religious and all things political are somehow mutually exclusive –...
Time to Pray, Time to Seek the Face of Almighty God.
By   |   01.24.16
There is no doubt about it, many of us are hoping that 2016 will bring real change. Remembering back to the mantras of 2008, there were those who were anticipating “hope and change.” However, what we have seen over the...
Exposing Black Lives Matter — Part II
One of the dangers of BLM is that it pulls on the heartstrings of those who really care about life—both blacks and whites. Ironically, those who claim concern for black lives ignore the abortion of black babies and the killing of black boys by other black boys in gang violence. While focusing almost exclusively on race as the source of injustice and harm, BLM engage in the politics of racial grievance.
Every Muslim Will Bow Before Jesus
By   |   01.11.16
My goal here is not to offend. Neither is it to persuade. In matters of the spirit, there is but One capable of opening the eyes of the heart. Rather, my objective is to sow seeds of Truth so that...
The Universal Problem
How do we fix a world filled with murder, rape, betrayal, adultery, fraud, theft, sexual exploitation, pornography, bullying, abortion, terrorism, cheating, lying, child abuse, racism, assault, drugs, robbery, and countless other evils?
Still Work to be Done!
By David E. Smith   |   01.01.16
It is easy to become angry, disheartened, and perhaps even fearful about the cultural trajectory of our nation and the world. In light of the seismic upheavals in cultural norms, how much should we be concerned for the difficulties the...
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