U-46 Parents Determined to Change the Educational Landscape
By Kathy Valente   |   08.10.22
Earlier this spring, a group of concerned parents and taxpayers in the U-46 school district assembled to discuss their collective concerns about the state of public education and the overarching impact on students and the community. Now organized under the moniker Parents and Taxpayers for Children in U-46 (PTC) their mission is to engage, educate and empower parents, students, teachers and taxpayers to not just push back on a system that is failing their children, but to create meaningful change in public education.
Top Reasons to Get Your Child OUT of Public School – NOW!
By Alex Newman   |   08.09.22
Far too many students in government schools are failing to meet proficiency standards in English Language Arts, Math and Science. Thanks to "progressive" educators and lawmakers, a major focus of "education" is now on social engineering, humanistic training, sexual immorality, revisionist history, (left-wing) political activism and other godless subject matters.
Living Books – The Essential Ingredient
By Lynn Bowman Tabb   |   08.08.22
The mind is capable of dealing with only one kind of food; it lives, grows and is nourished upon ideas and THAT is where we, the educators, can be of most use as we provide a rich cultural, natural and spiritual environment to be the brain food of our children or grandchildren... Literature is a unique form of culture in the homeschool.
Biden Showering Tax Money on Schools to Sideline Parents & Church
By Alex Newman   |   08.06.22
Massive new federal tax funding and grants announced by the Biden administration for “full-service community schools” and “mental health” schemes will accelerate the transformation of what passes for “education” in America — and not in a good way. Basically, parents and families are being sidelined and replaced as government becomes mommy, daddy, and even “god.”
It Is Time to Exit Illinois Public Schools: A Businessman’s Perspective
By Tom Burrows   |   08.04.22
Business leaders are tasked with developing and executing strategies that lead to desired results, namely, to maximize shareholder value in a manner that is honest, moral, and upright.  Successful businesses measure their performance in a myriad of ways and use these results to implement changes, if needed, to achieve desired results... Why is this not the case for the Illinois Public School system?
Elite U.S. Private Schools Join Forces with Sex Change Peddlers
By Alex Newman   |   07.19.22
A prominent organization that accredits hundreds of elite private schools across America has joined forces with a fringe leftwing organization that promotes transgenderism and even castration of children. The news is fueling concern among critics even as millions of families flee government schools over similar indoctrination of children in tax-funded “education.”
National Education Association Seeks World Transformation
By Laurie Higgins   |   07.11.22
The National Education Association’s (NEA) annual convention took place last week in Chicago. It opened with a theatrical speech act by NEA president, Rebecca (Becky) Pringle who has no dearth of pride in the “amazing accomplishments” of the NEA members....
The Art of Nourishing a Child’s Mind (Part 2)
By Lynn Bowman Tabb   |   07.09.22
In Part I, it was established that as Christians, our starting point for an educational system or approach must be rooted in our Christian worldview. Charlotte Mason’s philosophy of education, securely rooted in such, is built upon the foundation of  “children are born persons.’ This individual personhood of each *child means we approach the child first and foremost from a place of respect for who he is–who God has created him as his own person to be.
Murderous CCP Rebranding “Confucius Institutes” In U.S. Schools
By Alex Newman   |   07.07.22
Responding to public scrutiny and government policies cracking down on Chinese Communist Party propaganda and influence in American education, Beijing has been rebranding its infamous “Confucius Institutes” and the subversive programs associated with them. But the rot is still there, according to an explosive new report.
Public Education is Making Our Children Illiterate
By   |   07.05.22
It might not be a surprise to many to hear that our public education system is failing. However, it may come as a surprise to hear that it is creating illiteracy. The depths of the problem came to light during the years of the pandemic. Now critics of poorly developed reading curriculums and parents of struggling children are asking why we are not doing a better job teaching students how to read.
Biden Edict Imposes More Trans Extremism on School Children
By Alex Newman   |   07.01.22
As state governments respond to public pressure and work to rein in LGBT extremism in schools, the White House issued an executive order seeking to impose more gender confusion and homosexual activism on school children across the nation and beyond. The effort puts parental rights squarely in the crosshairs.
For Our Children’s Sake (Part I)
By Lynn Bowman Tabb   |   06.27.22
As parents, we desire to give our children the best education possible. In today’s culture, it’s becoming more and more difficult to achieve any kind of education through the government schools with their anti-God agenda. Private schooling, while an option for some, is not an option for many. And while it is important to not “get on our high horse” about homeschooling being the only “Christian” option, we do want to celebrate that homeschooling is a very real, desirable, and viable option! Once a family decides to enter the homeschooling arena, however, the choices regarding the method of how to homeschool can be daunting!
SCOTUS Upholds Religious Freedom in Education Choice
By David E. Smith   |   06.21.22
The Supreme Court of the United States (SCOTUS) issued a decisive victory for religious freedom and school choice this morning in a 6-3 ruling in the Carson v. Makin case.
Failing Schools in Illinois
By Kathy Valente   |   06.08.22
With thousands of your tax dollars being spent per student every year, government schools are academically failing the students who attend them. And what’s also troublesome is that the vast majority of teachers are rated proficient or excellent.
By Kathy Valente   |   06.04.22
A recent Gallop poll found that 7.1 percent of Americans now identify as LGBTQ. This is a 100 percent increase since 2012 and a 26 percent increase over 2021!

If you think that is bad, the news gets much worse...
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