Tag Archives: Ted Dabrowski

Attention Parents: Illinois Has Horrible Proficiency Rates

A devasting new report from researchers at Wirepoints, a nonpartisan, Illinois-based research and news organization, reveals that Illinois is failing its children and their families. Students are failing math on a widescale level. A mere 27% of Illinois students are able to solve math problems at their grade level. An astonishing 1.4 million children are not proficient in math.
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At Dozens of Illinois Schools, Not ONE Proficient Student

Dozens of government schools across Illinois have been unable to produce even one single student proficient in reading or math, according to new data from the Illinois State Board of Education. In hundreds of schools across the state, just 10 percent of children are proficient in the basics. And it is getting worse.
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A Narco-Nation of Potheads, Courtesy of George Soros

Billionaire George Soros was named “Philanthropist of the Year” by Inside Philanthropy magazine for his “…fight for academic freedom in Central Europe, and his resistance to the rising tide of authoritarianism worldwide.”  The former is a reference to gender studies programs and the latter concerns his ongoing campaign to undermine existing governments, causing chaos that makes more money for hedge fund currency manipulators and short-sellers like himself.
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Illinois State Pensions: Overpromised, Not Underfunded

Why is the Illinois Family Institute publishing another article about state government employee pensions? Because excessive taxes in Illinois are putting a strain on Illinois families -- and 25 percent of our state budget pays those overly-generous pensions. Now, policy experts Ted Dabrowski and John Klingner have provided yet more evidence that “A dramatic rise in pension benefits -- not funding shortfalls -- caused Illinois’ state pension crisis.”
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As Its Population Drops, Illinois Has Highest Pension Burden in Nation

Since it is the Christmas season, I chose not to title this article “The Dumbest People in America.” But how else do you describe a state that has 25 percent of its budget going to pay government employee pensions and its voters who continue electing the same people who won't do a thing about it?
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‘Lame Duck’ Tax Increase Debated While Both Parties Struggle with Basic Math

Anyone paying the least bit of attention to Illinois government knows the state is a fiscal mess, and the ongoing drama being played out between our Republican governor and Democrat General Assembly is like a long-running TV soap opera.

The news of the day is that Rich Miller’s Capitol Fax is reporting that the passing of a tax increase during the current lame duck session is now not going to happen. For those unfamiliar with Capitol Fax, it is in some ways to Illinois politics what the Drudge Report is nationally. While Drudge is a conservative, both sides can benefit

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