Tag Archives: safety

The Reality of Social Media Part 3: BeReal

Even though social media isn’t yet 50 years old, warnings against it have become a bipartisan concern. But it’s also a huge part of our world, used by many people to connect and businesses to engage with their clientele. For parents especially, it can be stressful to figure out how to monitor their children’s use of social media and let’s face it, it can even be difficult for adults.
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American Heritage Girls: An Alternative to Girl Scouts

Near the end of May, we discussed Boy Scouts and their name change to “Scouting America.” In the article, we excitedly highlighted Trail Life USA as the Christian, conservative alternative to Boy Scouts. Unfortunately, within scouting, the influence of the left is not limited to the Boy Scouts. Girl Scouts, too, has been infected with a liberal agenda.  
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The Global Threat of the WHO Pandemic Agreement

Picture this: nations all over the world enter into a binding agreement, not with one another, but with a global governing body that they empower to essentially take over in case of emergency.
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TruPlay– A Christian Alternative to Children’s Entertainment

Online games and videos are popular in today’s day and age, and many of these games are marketed towards children. YouTube Kids, Xbox, Nintendo Switch, and the PlayStation 5 are common platforms that children use to access online games and entertainment.
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America Needs a Great Conservative Reset

A Democrat-controlled presidency and U.S. Congress (as well as state legislatures) will further empower the arrogant, ignorant, divisive, tyrannical cancel culture that has taken root in every major cultural institution in America. Academia, the mainstream press, Big Tech, corporate America, Hollywood, and professional medical and mental health organizations collude to censor the dissemination of ideas leftists hate and oppress those who disseminate them. The power these institutions already enjoy and employ to destroy speech rights, religious liberty, and careers is not enough to satiate the unquenchable thirst for power of leftists.
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