Tag Archives: Masterpiece Cakeshop
Religious Freedom Cases Stacking Up
Court cases across the country continue to point to the big showdown coming soon at the U.S. Supreme Court.In the ongoing legal battles over religious freedom, there are advances and setback. One win happened last month. When Amy Larson, a Christian photographer in Wisconsin who declines to photograph so-called same-sex weddings, saw what was happening to similar photographers across the country, she was concerned that her decision would violate local and state law. So, she decided she wasn’t going to shoot any weddings.But she also decided to challenge a local ordinance and the state law. And she won! But…
Posted in Religious Liberty
Tagged Alliance Defending Freedom, Amy Larson, Blaine Adamson, Carl and Angel Larsen, Christian Worldview, Masterpiece Cakeshop, Religious Liberty
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Gov’t Seeking to Impose ‘New Belief System’ on Client
A Colorado baker who declined to bake a cake for a same-gender “wedding” is fighting through an appeal to make sure his constitutionally protected freedoms – as well those of others – aren’t taken away.
In the summer of 2012, Charlie Craig and David Mullins filed a complaint with the Colorado Civil Rights Division after cake artist Jack Phillips of Masterpiece Cakeshop refused to endorse their marriage ceremony because of his faith. Last month the Colorado Administrative Law Court ruled Phillips must provide the cakes for homosexuals and prove that he has complied with the court order. Alliance Defending Freedom…
Posted in Religious Liberty
Tagged Charlie Craig, David Mullins, Jack Phillips, Kristen Waggoner, Masterpiece Cakeshop, Nicole Martin
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