Tag Archives: LGBTQ

Why the LGBTQ Lobby Won’t Stop

For Christians in our nation, the last decade has felt like holding onto the outside of a high-speed train. Fueled by exponentially increasing sexual license, it keeps picking up speed.
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“Happy Pride!” From Ms. Rachel

Ms. Rachel is a popular social media personality known for her unique educational videos for children. She is most well-known for her children’s music series which focuses on language and speech development in infants and toddlers. On June 2nd, she wished everyone a “Happy Pride!” and then followed it up the next day to defend her pro-LGBT pandering.
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Cracker Barrel Goes Woke?!

In June of 2023, Target and Bud Light received heavy backlash for their radical Pride campaigns. In addition to this, Disney and Starbucks also received pushback for their continued capitulation to the woke mob. However, another company joined the “woke ranks” and it may have escaped your notice– Cracker Barrel.
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Shall We Legalize Prostitution in Illinois?

Why would Equality Illinois, a non-profit organization established to promote the civil rights of LGBTQ individuals, be involved in promoting the decriminalization of “sex work”. . . in other words, stop enforcing laws against prostitution? How does this help those who consider themselves LGBTQ?
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The Good News: Conservative Companies Still Exist

On April 1, 2023 (making many wonder if it was an April Fool’s joke), popular transgender influencer Dylan Mulvaney shared a sponsored post in partnership with Bud Light with nods to March Madness and his continuing personal documentary, “365 Days of Girlhood.” In June of 2023, Target released its highly controversial Pride merchandise line, including “tuck-friendly” swimsuits for transgender “women” (biological men).
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Battle for the Church

Last week the United Methodist Church (UMC) caved to the LGBTQ agenda. For several years, the UMC has pushed back against progressive efforts to embrace same-sex marriage, the ordination of LBGTQ pastors, and the full inclusion of those who identify as LGBTQ into all church ministries and activities.
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Progressives in Illinois Threaten Parental Authority Again

No one knows for sure who first said the phrase, “If your only tool is a hammer, then every problem looks like a nail.” Whether it was Mark Twain, Abraham Maslow, or someone else, it perfectly describes Illinois Democrats’ latest push to usurp control over our state’s kids.
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Feelings or Facts?

What we think is true can have the same effect on us as what is true. We have known this forever. But today, in our post-truth culture, we are becoming less concerned with discovering what is true and more focused on what we feel is true. Public opinion today is shaped more by emotion and personal beliefs than facts. The impact of this post-truth era is profound.
Posted in Child Exploitation, CRT/Racism/BLM, Marriage/Family/Culture, Sanctity of Life, Sexuality | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | Comments Off on Feelings or Facts?

Its Nose in the Tent

The legislative effort to address bullying in Illinois started in 2006 when the Illinois School Code was amended. The act required schools to establish an anti-bullying policy, inform students and parents about it, and keep their updated policies on file with the Illinois State Board of Education.
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A Convenient Dodge

Jesus forgave the sinner. He didn’t accommodate the sin. We read about this in John, Chapter 8 — often referred to as the “Woman caught in the act of adultery.” (John 8:2-11) Any of us who have read or heard this story about the adulterous woman should be asking why the Pharisees were not so hot on the idea of dealing with the sin of the adulterous man. And we should clearly see that Jesus is a God of mercy and forgiveness. Does He then excuse adultery? Hardly.
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Freedom Versus Foolishness

As of January 1, a new Illinois state law is in effect that removes grant funding from public libraries that ban books “because of partisan or doctrinal disapproval.” House Bill 2789 was signed by Governor J.B. Pritzker last summer and is just the latest in a string of policies advanced by this administration and motivated by its apparent obsession with indoctrinating kids into sexual orientation and gender identity ideology.
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Wolves in Churches

In Acts 20, Luke records a powerful and poignant gathering of the Apostle Paul and elders of the church in Ephesus that took place in the town of Miletus. This would be the final time that Paul met with the leaders of this important congregation. Part of the purpose of this meeting was to give a crucial warning.
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America’s Idol

A few years back, Pew Research Center released a survey on America's religious landscape and found that, over a bit more than a decade, the number of adults professing to be Christians had dropped from 77% to 65%, and the number of "religiously unaffiliated" had risen from 17% to 26%.
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It is Indoctrination, Not Education

Waterloo High School is in the news again. This time, it is about students from the high school Diversity Club raising money to purchase “chest binders” for transgender boys (who are biological girls) who are transitioning without the knowledge or support of their parents.
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The Fall of a Thanksgiving Tradition

Ahhh…the scenes and smells of the fall season in the Midwest are here. Leaf collection and burning — where allowed. Crisp morning air with men still wearing shorts who refuse to believe summer has ended. Pumpkin everything has arrived, including several variations of pumpkin lattes at Starbucks. 
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