Tag Archives: government schools
Comments by New York’s Democrat Mayor Should Not Be Ignored
You Can Help Children Flourish!
Government Schools Are Killing The American Church
Look What’s in Store for Public School Students in Illinois–YIKES!
Another School Shooting, Another One-Sided Debate About Reality
My goal in these next couple of articles is to make three basic points.
First, after every mass murder, whether at a school or nightclub or concert venue, conservatives write many excellent op-eds effectively addressing nearly every aspect of the tragedy. Unfortunately, too few Americans actually hear or read those commentaries. That failure in the information war continues to plague the nation.
Second, so many Republican politicians and candidates fear the “social issues.” Several days ago when a shooting took place in that Florida school, these “leaders” still failed to grasp the connection between a failing and corrupt culture and …
Congressman Randy Hultgren Introduces Parental Rights Amendment to the U.S. Constitution
Have you ever heard of the “Values Action Team,” which is a subgroup of the U.S. House GOP Republican Study Committee? Somehow in all my years of paying attention (including working a stint on Capitol Hill for a member of Congress), it escaped my notice.
Here is how the subgroup has been described:
…According to the RSC document describing its Values Action Team, “The goal of this group was to unite conservative Members with pro-family coalitions by establishing legislative goals, identifying key tasks for Members and coalitions to perform, and executing action items that would lead to conservative victories.”
Every 12 Years: A Review of the Book ‘Saving K-12’ (Part Two)
Last time I presented some of the background about why I enjoyed Bruce Deitrick Price’s new book Saving K-12: A Citizens Guide to Improving Public Education. In this post, I will present a few examples.
Giving the background on a topic is easy. Choosing examples on that topic when there are so many within one book, is not easy.
“The Education Establishment has spent 100 years making public schools dumber,” Price writes. Ouch. He explains:
…That’s a common impression which, after years of research, I could finally explain. John Dewey and his colleagues were in love with social
Every 12 Years: A Review of the Book ‘Saving K-12’ (Part One)
Christian Parents, Your Kids Aren’t Equipped to be Public School Missionaries
A concerned parent sent me this. It’s the school newspaper for Mary Ellen Henderson Middle School in Falls Church, Virginia. Among the other hard hitting pieces of journalism targeted at children, ages 11-13, is an article on “transgender rights.”
The article explains how Obama “improved the lives of transgender people by fighting the discrimination against them,” but all of that is now in jeopardy because of President Trump. The next article delves into the intricacies and wonders of various forms of gender identity, including “transgenderism,” “non-binary,” “bigender,” “agender,” “demigender,” “genderfluid,” and “genderflux.” I’m obviously more innocent and naive than …