Two Courageous Citizens Work to Stop Access to Unfiltered Porn In the Orland Park Library
Two Courageous Citizens Work to Stop Access to Unfiltered Porn In the Orland Park Library
Written By David E. Smith   |   07.11.14
Reading Time: 3 minutes

Eight months ago we wrote an article about the dangers of unfiltered Internet access in our public libraries, and specifically cited an on-going battle at the Orland Park library.  The situation in Orland Park is now boiling over.  The library board has stubbornly defended its inadequate Internet policy, and by default, continues to allow illegal pornography to be accessed with your tax dollars.

Take ACTION:  The next library board meeting is on Monday, July 21st at 6:45 P.M at the Orland Public Library (14921 S. Ravinia). We hope to see 30 to 50 local people there. This will send a strong message to the library board that its taxpayers want to prevent access to illegal material that reduces women and children to objects for self gratification.

If you are unable to attend, please call the following Orland Park Library Board Trustees and voice your opposition to their current policy and your desire to have illegal porn blocked from publicly accessible computers.

  1. Diane Jennings (708) 349-9798
  2. Denis Ryan (708) 349-0008
  3. Nancy Wendy Healy (708) 349-6059
  4. Dan Drew (708) 383-0194
  5. Beth Gierach (708) 479-7632

Adam Andrejewski’s For the Good of Illinois recently reported about the situation:

Can Two Courageous Citizens Stop Access to Unfiltered Porn In the Orland Park Library?
Read summary and timeline here 

A pregnant mother & her colleague who are challenging the porn policy are singled out and attacked for standing for decency:

It’s clear that Orland Park public library has only contempt for its citizens and is following a radical agenda, one that’s championed by the ACLU and American Library Association. By allowing unfiltered access to illegal pornography, this elected board of trustees is lowering the community’s standard of decency and potentially creating an environment for illegal activity. Furthermore, Klein Thorpe Jenkins  has already billed close to $160,000 and is on pace for $500,000 in 2014 legal fees to the library district in defense of their pro-porn policy.  

Megan Fox and Kevin DuJan have tried to stop access to illegal porn and child porn in the public libraryBut the library aggressively refuses policy change. Here’s what’s been uncovered:

  • Specific, detailed allegation of child porn at Orland Park Library
  • Sex crimes committed in the library; repeated staff cover up with no police calls
  • No library policy prohibition regarding accessing unfiltered porn online
  • Lack of enforcement of internet user identification – therefore, convicted sex offenders have anonymous unfiltered access to porn, including child porn, violent porn, etc.
  • Daily internet records are expunged when computers are turned off
  • Library repeatedly violated the Freedom of Information Act and Open Meetings Act.
  • Attorney General issued opinions are ignored.

Megan Fox and Kevin DuJan have stood up against all institutional force. Fox is a mother who witnessed porn being watched in the library and DuJan has helped her in the fight to stop it. Here’s a summary of what they’ve encountered:

 At the June board meeting, Attorney Maryann Jubar with Citizens Advocacy Center  strongly backed the citizens.  

Take ACTION:  We need you at the next library board meeting on Monday, July 21st at 6:45 P.M at the Orland Public Library at 14921 S. Ravinia. We would like to have 30 to 50 local people there to send a strong message to the library board that the current Internet public access policy is completely unacceptable and presents a clear and present danger.

Please forward this article to like-minded neighbors in Orland Park.


David  E. Smith
Dave Smith is the executive director of Illinois Family Institute (501c3) and Illinois Family Action (501c4). David has 30 years of experience in public policy and grass-roots activism that includes...
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