PODCAST: This American Life of Sexual Perversity

There is a new reality makeover show on The Learning Channel (TLC) titled Dragnificent in which four men who impersonate women (also known as “drag queens”) travel the country exploiting the desire of humans to grasp that cheap brass ring: fifteen minutes of fame. While behaving like clownish juveniles, these men-children with wounded pasts teach women with wounded pasts how to dress for their body type and wear makeup. The spectacle of grown men prancing about like children in cartoonish outfits pretending their work is good is a grotesque and tragic deceit that mars the image of God imprinted on them and harms society.

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Laurie's Chinwags
Laurie's Chinwags
PODCAST: This American Life of Sexual Perversity
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This American Life of Sexual Perversity
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