PODCAST: The Open-Mindedness of Leftist Propagandists

The Facebook Overlords have finally released me from yet another 30-day prison sentence for expressing views “progressives” don’t like. You know who I’m talking about. “Progressives” are those freedom-loving tyrants who proclaim from their high horses how deeply they honor all voices and value diversity; how tolerant, unbiased, and respectful they are; how open-minded they are; and how much they loathe oppression and “othering” as they oppress and “other” conservatives.

“Progressives” are the moral midgets who are destroying America while self-identifying as the world’s saviors. They are transaviors. They enslave and call it liberation. They hate and call it love. They kill and call it health. They propagandize and groom, and call it education. They exclude and call it inclusion. They divide and call it unity. They produce evil and call it good.

Laurie's Chinwags
Laurie's Chinwags
PODCAST: The Open-Mindedness of Leftist Propagandists
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