PODCAST: Springfield Democrats Redefine Infertility in Law to Appease LGB Activists

Last Friday, I wrote about the pernicious bill passed by creepy Illinois Democrats that will require 5-11-year-olds to be taught positively about homosexuality, hormone-blockers for cross-sex impersonating children, masturbation, and “gender expansiveness” in public schools.  Something tells me Illinois elementary school teachers were not polled on whether they want to teach such age-, developmentally, culturally, and morally inappropriate leftist beliefs. But Democrat lawmakers—being intolerant, exclusionary, and presumptuous—don’t care what parents or teachers think, so, not surprising.

On Tuesday, I wrote about the Tampons for Boys bill just passed by those same creepy Illinois Democrats, which requires all boys’ bathrooms in all Illinois public schools to provide “free” tampons and sanitary napkins at great taxpayer expense.

But Illinois Democrats were not yet done brownnosing the “LGBTQ” communities.

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Laurie's Chinwags
Laurie's Chinwags
PODCAST: Springfield Democrats Redefine Infertility in Law to Appease LGB Activists
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