PODCAST: Homosexuals AGAIN Admit Their Goal Is to Convert Children

Last week, the San Francisco Gay Men’s Chorus (SFGMC) released a video on YouTube that has garnered widespread and justifiable condemnation for their admission that “LGBT” activists seek to convert your children. It begins with a smugly delivered introduction by Troy Iwata who says,

To those of you out there who are still working against equal rights, we’ve a message for you.

By “equal rights,” Iwata evidently means the unilateral right to impose the anarchical sexual beliefs of the “LGBTQ” community on the entire nation, while censoring all dissenting beliefs. If he is referring solely to the legal right to have intrinsically non-marital same-sex unions recognized as marriages, they’ve got that. (Oddly, homosexual social justice warriors are not griping about the denial of the “equal rights” of kin-lovers to marry—at least, not yet.)

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Laurie's Chinwags
Laurie's Chinwags
PODCAST: Homosexuals AGAIN Admit Their Goal Is to Convert Children
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