PODCAST: Girl Sexually Assaulted in Girls’ H.S. Bathroom

Leftists used their favorite tactics for silencing those who won’t kowtow to their perverse, deceitful, and destructive sexuality ideology. When conservatives warned that allowing males in female private spaces puts girls and women at risk, leftists called them ugly names and mocked them. And now it’s been revealed that on May 28, 2021, a 14-year-old girl was sexually assaulted by a skirt-wearing boy who was allowed to use girls’ restrooms at Stone Bridge High School in Loudon County, Virginia. The administration then transferred the boy to another district school where he sexually assaulted another girl. He has now been charged with “two counts of forcible sodomy, one count of anal sodomy, and one count of forcible fellatio.”

The first victim’s father, Scott Smith, attended his first school board meeting ever on June 22, 2021, just 3.5 weeks after his daughter’s sexual assault. Many community members attended the meeting to discuss the board’s proposed policy of sexually integrating the private spaces of minor students and of compelling teachers to lie by using incorrect pronouns when referring to cross-sex impersonators. A woman who through her rainbow t-shirt identified herself as an “LGBTQ+” activist, quarreled with Smith including telling him she did not believe his daughter was raped by a skirt-wearing boy in the girls’ restroom. The police-intervened and Smith—like the Covington Catholic High School boys—was turned into a national villain by leftist activists who identify as “journalists” and no longer have the patience or integrity to investigate stories before mischaracterizing people.

I wonder how leftist fathers would react if their 15-year-old daughters had been sodomized in a girls’ bathroom at their “safe” schools and then had an activist tell them she doesn’t believe it happened.

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Laurie's Chinwags
Laurie's Chinwags
PODCAST: Girl Sexually Assaulted in Girls' H.S. Bathroom
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