PODCAST: Critical Race Theory Finds a Home at Wheaton College

It’s a curious phenomenon that racists rarely see their own racism—the plank in their own eyes. That was true during the long, torturous days of slavery. It was true during the long torturous days of Jim Crow laws. It was true during the Civil Rights era. And it’s true now. No, it’s not conservatives who are spreading racism while remaining blithely blind to it.

It’s Ta-Nehisi Coates, Robin DiAngelo, Nikole Hannah-Jones, and BLM who are spreading racism like manure throughout our cultural system. And it’s racist Ibram X. Kendi who sees himself as “anti-racist” and wrote,

The only remedy to racist discrimination is antiracist discrimination. The only remedy to past discrimination is present discrimination. The only remedy to present discrimination is future discrimination.

And like racists of yore, they profit handsomely from their efforts to encourage Americans to judge people by the color of their skin.

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Laurie's Chinwags
Laurie's Chinwags
PODCAST: Critical Race Theory Finds a Home at Wheaton College
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