PODCAST: Another K-12 School Indoctrination Bill Coming Through the Illinois Sewage Pipeline

Illinois Democrats are hell-bent on passing a new law—the REACH Act —that will require every school-age child in Illinois public schools to be introduced to homosexuality and cross-sex impersonation through mandatory “comprehensive sex ed.” To be clear, that’s every child from kindergarten on up and in every school year. That’s in addition to the all the other pro-“LGBTQ” stuff in which leftists are drowning children via the “Culturally Responsive Teaching and Leading Standards,” the “LGBT” school indoctrination law, the homosexuality- affirming “anti-bullying” law, and the novels, plays, movies, essays, and articles teachers are already choosing to teach.

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Laurie's Chinwags
Laurie's Chinwags
PODCAST: Another K-12 School Indoctrination Bill Coming Through the Illinois Sewage Pipeline
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