Did you know a lot of people on the left now deny wokeism exists?
They are saying that it can’t be defined and just means whatever you want it to mean. Therefore, they say, wokeism is merely another conservative mantra for whatever policy one disagrees with. Politicians in Illinois have been saying that a lot these days in order to pass (you guessed it) woke legislation.
Well, wokeism is very definable and very real. But one thing it is not. It’s not your grandfather’s disagreement over whether taxes should be raised or lowered.
Wokeism is make-believe.
It denies something that really exists, or it says something exists when it clearly doesn’t. In other words, a woke person either denies reality or invents reality in order to achieve a certain objective.
Comedian Steve Martin once joked in the 70’s that we should teach a child that a cat is a dog and a dog is a cat. They will then grow up believing that. He thought that would be funny, and the audience laughed. Unfortunately, that is wokeism.
There are many examples of wokeism today. We have in law that a man can marry a man, and woman can marry a woman. But God invented marriage. And God designed marriage as between one man and one woman. That’s reality.
Actually, you don’t even have to believe in God to see that men and women were made for each other. It’s pretty obvious. It’s natural (ie “nature” which God created).
But woke people have put “make-believe” marriage between two men and two women into law. Now children born today believe this make-believe, even though it’s not true and never can be true.
The children believe that dog is a cat and that cat is a dog.
The same goes for a male who thinks he can become female; he can’t. He can do all sorts of surgeries and hormone blockers, wear all sorts of make-up, and act as effeminate as he can – he’s still a man in drag. A very troubled man, of course.
Then, too, legalizing pot and other drugs to bring in needed tax revenues is wokeism. The reality? The costs to clean up ruined lives far outweighs the tax revenues generated by drug sales.
Converting men’s and women’s restrooms into “all-gender restrooms” will make our restrooms safer? The reality is they will make them far more dangerous.
Defunding the police will make streets safer? Unfortunately, the woke list goes on and on.
And so, what is our Christian response to our neighbors walking this earth who are so confused that they maintain a dog is a cat and a cat is a dog? Our Christian response should be Christ Himself – through God’s Word, through Christian counseling, and through love and compassion.
Don’t get me wrong. It is very hard to help people who are screaming at you. It’s hard to help people who’ve been told all their lives that morality is relative – what is moral to you may not be to me and vice-versa. And it’s very difficult when the media, Hollywood, academia, Big Tech, and so many other voices are screaming, in unison, the same immoral things all around us.
So yes, it seems nearly impossible to help someone confused in our culture when that same culture mocks and ridicules you for trying to help someone out of immorality – the same immorality that Satan uses to produce more immorality.
But this is our calling – to love our enemies.
Loving your friends is easy, Jesus says. Loving your enemies? That’s what Christians do. Of course, Christians also sin. I’m Exhibit A. Sometimes I’m loving those woke people through clenched teeth. I’m not feeling the love, in other words. But I try. Oh, how do I try.
What I’m getting to is that, as a Christian, the next time you see something woke, just speak up. Speak nicely and firmly and even with a smile, because you know that Jesus has already won the victory. You don’t have to get into a debate on wokeism. Just speaking up – to your friend, your co-worker, your neighbor — is more than the majority of people are now doing.
That’s because the silent majority of Christians are afraid to offend. The majority of us don’t like conflict. We want to take care of our own and live good, upright lives. And we certainly don’t believe “little ole me” can do anything substantial to counter godless people.
But God doesn’t call Christians to change the world.
He calls Christians to love God and love others. God Himself does the changing of hearts and minds in His time. All we have to do is obey. So Jesus asks us to love our enemies (i.e. those who are against us). And how did Jesus love all, including enemies? He showed us how – he taught, he counseled, he forgave – all the way to the Cross.
For a good Christian, that is both joyful and difficult. For God, that is merely His grace bestowed on all those who believe in Him.