Most people have never heard of Harry Hay, yet his actions, starting in the 1940s, profoundly impacted our culture and continue to do so today, long after his death. If you don’t know who he is, you should. He was one of the founders of the homosexual activist movement along with his sometime lover, Will Geer.
Geer was an actor whose most well-known role, at least most well-known to me, was as “Grandpa” on The Waltons, although his acting career started decades earlier, during the 1930s. Hay and Geer met in 1934 and became lovers soon after. Hay was 22 and Geer, 32. Hay joined the Communist Party USA (CPUSA) at Geer’s instigation and became an activist for the communist cause along with Geer. Both men remained committed communists throughout their lives, although they did not remain active party members.
In 1948, Alfred Kinsey released the first report on his research on sexuality, “Sexual Behavior in the Human Male.” In the report, Kinsey claimed that sexuality was a continuum from exclusively heterosexual to exclusively homosexual and everything in between. Kinsey claimed that ten percent of the population was homosexual. It was only years later that Kinsey’s findings were proven to be false since deeply flawed studies and fabricated data backed them.
Kinsey’s claim that homosexuality was a standard variant of human sexuality instead of a sexual perversion, as was the prevailing belief at that time, caught the attention of Geer and Hay. Both were already activist revolutionaries through their involvement with the CPUSA. They decided to direct that activism to something more personal.
At the time, homosexuals were deeply closeted. Most took great pains to conceal their sexuality. Geer and Hay, like many homosexuals, even married women as a cover for their homosexuality.
Kinsey’s findings that homosexuality should be viewed as a normal sexual variant provided Hay and a few other friends, including Geer, hope that they someday could stop hiding. In 1950, they founded the Mattachine Society, a secret society, to protect and improve the rights of homosexuals. It was initially established in Los Angeles. Later, chapters were formed in San Francisco, then Chicago and New York. From there, affiliates sprang up around the country.
During the 50s, Harry Hay became the undisputed leader of the movement. You can draw a direct line from the Mattachine Society to the modern gay rights movement, and Hay remained the leader of that movement until his death in 2002. Hay and Geer remained friends until Geer died in 1978. Hay also strongly supported the North American Man Boy Love Association (NAMBLA) and encouraged organizers to include them in Gay Pride marches from the beginning.
From the start, the gay rights movement has been a mixture of Marxist ideology and Kinsey’s pseudoscience. Members of the homosexual rights movement were among the biggest promoters of Kinsey’s findings, who was, himself, a bisexual.
Kinsey also recommended that the age of consent for sexual activity should be removed so children of any age could give consent.
With this background, is it any surprise that the controversy over the treatment of transgender children has become politicized? The LGBT community has a long history of seeing itself as an oppressed minority. Kinsey’s fake science added fuel to that belief.
Today, transgender children are seen by gay rights groups as an oppressed minority, not as a group in need of psychiatric intervention. Therefore, there should be no restrictions on children who want medical transition, they say. After all, Alfred Kinsey said it’s all normal, and John Money’s theories about gender and transgenderism were founded on Kinsey’s claims and even expanded on them. Why would you need psychiatric intervention when it’s all normal?
Is it normal?
The problem is that Money’s theories were supported by a single experiment, which was later discovered to have been a catastrophic failure. Money concealed the failure of this study for years. Only after John Colapinto exposed the real story in 2000 in his book “As Nature Made Him” did anyone know the experiment failed.
Money started the failed study in 1967. He consistently reported the study as a success. After it was clear to Money that his theories on gender had been discredited by the results, Money continued to report the study as a success story. And even after Colopinto’s book came out, Money never publicly acknowledged its failure.
From 2000 to 2006, when he died, Money remained silent, never addressing the revelation that his seminal study was an utter failure.
Proving that the theories promoted by Kinsey and Money have no support in science has had little impact on the number of people who still believe them. The only explanation is they want to believe them. Their belief has mutated into a kind of blind allegiance to a fantasy, like believing in the tooth fairy or leprechauns.
The damage to our culture caused by the blatantly false information presented by both Kinsey and Money is incalculable and has continued for 75 years and 50 years, respectively.
There seems to be no stopping the drive to affirm and promote the medical transition of children here in the United States. It has become the national policy of the Biden Administration to affirm transgender children and to promote medical transitions. Leading the push for this policy is Biden’s Assistant Secretary of Health and Human Services, Admiral Rachel Levin, a man who believes he’s a woman.
Meanwhile, Europe is going in the opposite direction. The Tavistock Clinic, the only dedicated gender identity clinic for children in the UK, has already shut down. Clinics all over Europe have adopted more stringent procedures for approving medical interventions, including pharmacological interventions, for children with gender dysphoria. And a study recently published in European Psychiatry underscores the need to put the brakes on medical transitions.
That study, titled “Have the psychiatric needs of people seeking gender reassignment changed as their numbers increase? A register study in Finland,” was published online on November 6, 2023, by Cambridge University Press. The researchers found that for patients with gender dysphoria, the need for psychiatric treatment was not reduced when compared to those who did not receive medical intervention. In other words, medical intervention did nothing to reduce the need for psychiatric care for these patients.
Does that surprise you?
This is exactly what you would expect if the underlying problems were psychiatric, not medical. Recognizing this truth in Europe has been a long time in the making. Why it is taking longer for the US medical community to come around to this realization must be attributed to a combination of ideological bias and the quest to find new and growing sources of healthcare revenue.
Fortunately, some medical professionals in the US—like Dr. Miriam Grossman, Dr. Paul McHugh, Dr. Michelle Cretella, Dr. Quentin Van Meter, Dr. Patrick Lappert, and others—side with the emerging European view. But so far, there have not been enough.
Even without widespread medical cover, parents must stand against this insidious ideology. They must if they want to protect their children.
Since the beginning of humanity, there have been two sexes, male and female. Every cell in our body is stamped male or female. There are not some male and some female cells. They are all one or the other. This is what biology shows, and this is what the bible asserts: male and female He created them.
How is it that in the last 75 years, so-called experts have “discovered” all that was wrong?
The history of humanity, biological science, the ideological history of the LGBT movement, common sense, the bible all shout male and female. The self-proclaimed experts who say otherwise are the ones who are wrong.
Protect your children from them.