Upcoming Pro-Life Action Opportunities
Upcoming Pro-Life Action Opportunities
Written By Chris Iverson   |   06.25.19
Reading Time: 3 minutes

We have NINE pro-life bridges coming up in the Chicagoland area this Friday and Saturday!  We need you at one or more of these events to make them a success!

On Friday, June 28 and Saturday, June 29 the Pro-Life Action League is hosting the second annual National Pro-Life Bridge Day in cities from coast to coast. Pro-lifers will display banners on highway overpasses containing the message “Abortion Takes a Human Life.” We estimate that we will reach over a million commuters and start countless conversations about abortion.  Here are the pro-life bridge locations in Illinois.

Markham Pro-life Bridge

DATE: Friday, June 28th

TIME: 6:00 am to 9:00 am

ADDRESS: 15600 Clifton Park Ave, Markham, IL

FACEBOOK EVENT: https://www.facebook.com/events/1244173542419156/

Lombard Pro-life Bridge

DATE: Friday, June 28

TIME: 3:00 pm to 6:00 pm

ADDRESS: 500 Grove Lane, Lombard, IL

(Pleasant Lane over I-355)

FACEBOOK EVENT: https://www.facebook.com/events/2052579318385279/

Naperville Pro-life Bridge

DATE: Friday, June 28

TIME: 7:00 am to 9:00 am

ADDRESS: 1640 N Mill Street, Naperville, IL

(Mill Street over I-88, park at the sports complex at the corner of Mill and Diehl and walk up to the bridge)

Naperville Pro-life Bridge II

DATE: Friday, June 28

TIME: 3:00 pm to 6:00 pm

ADDRESS: 1640 N Mill Street, Naperville, IL

(Mill Street over I-88, park at the sports complex at the corner of Mill and Diehl and walk up to the bridge)

Chicago Pro-life Bridge

DATE: Friday, June 28

TIME: 10:00 am to 1:00 pm

ADDRESS: 659 W Washington Blvd, Chicago, IL

(Washington Blvd over I-90, pay for parking in lot across the street)

FACEBOOK EVENT: https://www.facebook.com/events/685970001836639/

Northfield Pro-life Bridge

DATE: Saturday, June 29

TIME: 10:00 am to 12:00 pm

ADDRESS: 1550 Winnetka Rd, Northfield, IL

FACEBOOK EVENT: https://www.facebook.com/events/636368866832729/

Lombard Pro-life Bridge

DATE: Saturday, June 29

TIME: 11:00 am to 2:00 pm

ADDRESS: 500 Grove Lane, Lombard, IL

(Pleasant Lane over I-355)

Southland Chicago Pro-life Bridge

DATE: Saturday, June 29th

TIME: 10:00 am to 1:00 pm

ADDRESS: 44 W 93rd St, Chicago, IL

FACEBOOK EVENT: https://www.facebook.com/events/626877677831915/

Chicago Pro-life Bridge

DATE: Saturday, June 29

TIME: 10:00 am to 1:00 pm

ADDRESS: 6069 W Balmoral Ave, Chicago, IL

(Pedestrian bridge just north of Foster Avenue over I-90)

FACEBOOK EVENT: https://www.facebook.com/events/497555824319849/


More great pro-life opportunities:

Face the Truth Tour

The Pro-life Action League will lead pro-life participants at sites throughout the Chicago area as they display large pictures of beautiful unborn babies along with signs showing the victims of abortion.

WHEN: Friday, July 12 – Saturday, July 20 (no events on Sunday, July 14)

WHERE: 24 locations around the Chicago area

WEBSITE: https://prolifeaction.org/event/ftt2019/

March for Life Chicago 2020

Mark your calendars! March for Life Chicago 2020 will take place on Saturday, January 11, 2020.

Positive Pregnancy Resource Center Yelp Reviews:

Anti-life activists have been writing fake online reviews via Yelp, Yahoo and Google pages to sway women away from receiving free assistance at our pro-life pregnancy resouce centers.

The best way to respond to these negative reviews is with positive reviews!  Consider leaving legitimate 5 star reviews. Keep in mind the women reading your reviews are abortion-vulnerable.  Do not use any names of staff, and be sincere and respectful.

Leave a review on one these websites:

DONATE: Pro-life Billboards

During the last few years, we’ve reached over half of the adult residents in Cook County with the bold message that abortion takes a human life.  Let’s reach the public with this powerful message over and over again! Help reach thousands of people with your donation here: https://illinoisfamily.org/fundraiser/support-pro-life-billboard-campaign/

Find Illinois Pro-life Opportunities, Resources, and News here: https://drive.google.com/open?id=1RV9G7PzcN3x8Ps5iLnh9GD67qCvlMOM6

Please forward this message to all your pro-life friends!

Chris Iverson
Chris Iverson assists pro-life leaders to strategize, organize and mobilize for effective advocacy. In 2016, Chris led the effort in the Chicago area to reach 8.8 million views of the message “Abortion Takes Human Life.” He began his pro-life work in 2004. He has organized pro-life overpasses, pro-life billboards, sidewalk counselling and a variety of protest events.  He has been interviewed for radio, television and print news. Chris was a pro-choice atheist until the age of 20 when, after discussing the topic of abortion with a friend, he became a pro-life atheist.  Later, Chris became an evangelical Christian.  These experiences...
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