Speak Out Chicago! (While You Can)
Speak Out Chicago! (While You Can)
Written By David E. Smith   |   05.20.24
Reading Time: 3 minutes

This week, the Chicago City Council is expected to debate and vote on an ordinance that would ban the use of megaphones, bullhorns or other amplified sound outside a downtown abortion mill.

A Chicago Sun-Times article, written by left-wing reporter Fran Spielman, suggests that this legislation would “shield women from intimidation and abuse.”

From whom would they be shielded? Pro-life advocates.

This agenda is being pushed by Planned Parenthood and their champion, Alderman Bill Conway of the 34th Ward.

Joe Wyrostek, Pastor of Metro Praise International Church says Conway’s so-called “Noise Sensitive Zone” proposal is not necessary because there have been no reported violations of the existing noise ordinance (8-32-070). He goes on to assert:

According to current procedures, all noise complaints are handled by on-site police who measure the noise level and ensure it stays within legal limits. Conway’s push to change the law implies a failure in police enforcement, suggesting a need for stricter regulations specifically to protect the abortion clinic. However, it’s important to note that those using speakers at this location have consistently adhered to the sound regulations, with police verification of their compliance.

Therefore, the necessity and motivation behind Conway’s altering the existing law are being done from personal and vindictive motives.

Moreover, according to an article by the Chicago Tribune, concerns about violating First Amendment rights have been expressed by 45th Ward Alderman Jim Gardiner and 38th Ward Alderman Nick Sposato who is quoted saying:

“I’m a little surprised that we have four attorneys in here who think it’s okay to silence freedom of speech,” Sposato said.

“Little unclear to me why we are singling out abortion clinics instead of other places.”

Not only are there pro-life advocates showing up to attempt to “rescue those stumbling toward death,” but the Gospel’s message of salvation through faith in Jesus is being proclaimed by street evangelists, pastors and other ministers.

This work and their presence is bearing sweet fruit! In fact, just last week, the Lord used pro-life advocates with Love Life to help a mother choose life for her twins! So far in 2024, seven babies have been saved from the downtown slaughterhouse.

In 2023, twenty-nine babies were rescued!

This only adds a “free exercise” of religious liberty layer to the free speech aspect of this First Amendment issue.

Block Club Chicago reports how effective pro-life advocates have been in their presence at one specific abortuary:

Family Planning Associates regularly sees up to 20, sometimes more, anti-abortion protesters every Saturday morning. In July, the clinic had more than five times that number, with several of them rushing at patients and forcibly trying to hand out religious pamphlets and using a loudspeaker which could be heard from inside the clinic.

TAKE ACTION:  Chicago voters should click HERE to look up the contact information for their local alderman in order to send him/her a message. Ask your local Alderman to uphold First Amendment rights. The vote is expected to take place at Wednesday’s City Council meeting.

Juan-Elias Riesco & a group of volunteers from Love Life can be found out in front of Family Planning Associates preaching the Gospel message of life for preborn babies & their mothers. Email Juan for more info.

You can also call the City’s general number and asked to be transferred to your Alderman’s office: (312) 744-5000. This is very important. Pro-life Christians cannot remain silent in the face of these unconstitutional restrictions.

You may remember that back in 2017, similar legislation to restrain free speech in Chicago was tried with the so-called “bubble zone” ordinance. This law applied exclusively at abortion facilities and it designated a 50-foot radius from an entrance door as an area in which persons are prohibited from intentionally approaching closer than 8 feet to another person, unless the person consents, for the purpose of engaging in a covered act, defined as “passing a leaflet or handbill to, displaying a sign to, or engaging in oral protest, education or counseling with” the other person.

The Thomas More Society sued the City of Chicago on behalf of the Pro-Life Action League, Live Pro-Life Group and several individual pro-life counselors and won a court settlement that resulted in Constitutional rights education for Chicago police.

Please pray that this tyrannical effort to silence life-affirming speech isn’t successful.


David  E. Smith
Dave Smith is the executive director of Illinois Family Institute (501c3) and Illinois Family Action (501c4). David has almost 35 years of experience in public policy and grass-roots activism that includes countless interviews for numerous radio, television, cable programs and newspaper articles on topics such as the sanctity of life, natural marriage, broadcast decency, sex education, marijuana, gambling, abortion, homosexuality, tax policy, drug decriminalization and pornography. He and his wife of 30 years are blessed to be the parents of eight children, whom they homeschool. They strongly believe that their first duty before God is to disciple their children in...
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