Love Saves Lives
Love Saves Lives
Reading Time: 2 minutes

Written by Sean Maguire

I’ve attended the March for Life in Washington D.C. every year for the past eight years. Usually the weather is cold, dismal, miserable, and snowy. This year the sun was shining bright, and coats were carried instead of worn.

The warmth of the sun matched the energy of the crowd of hundreds of thousands of people there to declare that “Love Saves Lives.”

The President of the United States also promoted that message in his live stream addressto the crowds from the Rose Garden of the White House. “You come from many backgrounds – many places – but you all come for one beautiful cause: to build a society where life is celebrated, protected, and cherished. The March for Life is a movement born out of love,” the President said to the hundreds of thousands of people gathered at the largest annual human rights demonstration of all time.

Despite President Trump’s own failures, it was encouraging to hear the President of the United States promote the mission of love.

That mission of love is being accomplished. Pregnancy Resource Centers outnumber abortion centers more than 4 to 1. Hundreds of abortion workers are quitting. Abortion facilities are closing. Unknown thousands of lives have been saved from abortion by the love of the pro-life movement.

Love really does save lives. And the work of saving lives is being done throughout Virginia and across the country by this massive pro-life movement.

This movement is local. Gathering with hundreds of thousands of other pro-life people each year in Washington D.C. is a huge encouragement, but the work of saving lives through love is done locally, on a daily basis.

Standing outside of an abortion facility on a Saturday morning, I had the chance to love a woman who was planning to go in.

She was scared and felt like she had no other choice. She didn’t know where else to turn, and so had turned to what she thought was her only choice.

I was able to love her by showing her where the local pregnancy resource center was. I was able to love her by giving her the funds she needed for rent that month. I was able to love her by texting her encouragement and support as she continued her pregnancy.

The pregnancy resource center volunteer counselors were able to love her, too. They were there to love her by walking alongside of her throughout the tough process of deciding to keep her baby. They were there to love her as she gave birth. They are still there to love her by answering any parenting questions that she has now.

Love requires sacrifice, and the volunteers across this country are making sacrifices to love their neighbors. Their love is saving lives.

This article was originally posted at The Family Foundation blog.

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