Life on the Line
Life on the Line
Written By Mark Elfstrand, Cultural Affairs Writer   |   01.22.24
Reading Time: 3 minutes

Perhaps you’ve never heard of Allie Phillips. She is one to keep your eye on. Her story may help determine the fate of babies in Tennessee and elsewhere.

But first…it’s that time of year again. For millions of women, it is a date that would mark the advancement of the killing of the innocents. It was on January 22nd, 1973, that the US Supreme Court ruled in the historic Roe v. Wade abortion case. In essence, the Court determined at the time that the Constitution of the United States generally protected a right to have an abortion.

Since that 1973 decision, estimates are that more than 65 million precious little ones have had their lives terminated. Many, if not most, of these wee ones experienced dramatic and unsettling pain in their demise.

The abortionist faces no consequence of this action.

Millions of women have lived to regret their decision.

But in 2022, the Supreme Court shifted its position on this case. In June of that year, it officially reversed Roe v. Wade by declaring that the constitutional right to abortion no longer exists. The impact was significant since it meant that abortion rights would be rolled back in nearly half of the United States. The ire of those who opposed this was immeasurable.

Killing 65 million is not enough. So the fight goes on. The battlefield is chiefly in the political arena. And the death warriors are mainly women. Their message is, oddly, a plea for sympathy. This was evidenced in the political advertising for State Issue 1 passed in Ohio in November. Some told of their personal journeys and struggles. Others made accusing comments. In one ad a gynecologist claimed,

“The groups that oppose Issue 1 brag on social media about abolishing parental rights.”


Illinois had its hands in this mess. Billionaire GOP megadonor—Richard Uihlein—reportedly spent $1 million on radio ads pressuring lawmakers to put Issue 1 on the ballot. Obviously, not all politics is local. Bottom line, the measure passed.

The abortion warriors have new energy. Allie Phillips is one of them. In February of last year, Allie was 19 weeks pregnant. Her doctors discovered her baby suffered from a “multitude of fatal health issues.” If she continued the pregnancy, she was told her own life was at risk. Tennessee had banned abortion.

What was she to do?

She booked an appointment in New York City at a clinic. An ultrasound determined her baby had already died. She was devastated and wondered if life was worth living. She found her sympathetic cadre on TikTok. And on March 7th of last year, she sent her 330,000 followers a tearful message outside a Cleveland abortion clinic.

Her “fans” have inspired her to act. So last fall, Allie Phillips decided to run for the House seat in District 75 in Tennessee. And she announced her candidacy on, where else, TikTok. Her political ambitions were fueled, in part, by the desire to “turn my pain into a purpose for other women.”

The Roe v Wade anniversary on January 22nd this year marks another noteworthy political move. Wisconsin will be the first stop of the “Fight for Reproductive Freedoms” tour. Leading the charge on this national exploit of political influence will be none other than the Vice President, Kamala Harris!

In her statement as to why the need for such a tour she said,

“Extremists across our country continue to wage a full-on attack against hard-won, hard-fought freedoms as they push their radical policies—from banning abortion in all 50 states and criminalizing doctors, to forcing women to travel out of state in order to get the care they need.”

Hence, her “noble fight” for the right to kill babies. And insulting by calling it “care.”

It’s always surprising to me to see Christian people offended by the very thought of child sacrifice to false gods we read about in the Bible. Yet many of these faith-minded followers don’t give a second thought to killing babies while paying tribute to the god of self-indulgence. Jesus’ heart must break.

The most powerful voices of truth in this war on life are women. And just as the unrighteous female voices—including the US Vice President—push their agenda, may God encourage bold women of faith and conviction to continue to speak up for the unborn. And, if need be, run for office.

Along with other verses, Job 31:15 states clearly,

“Did not he who made me in the womb make them? Did not the same one form us both within our mothers?” (NIV)

So speak up, mothers! Or the graves of the unborn will speak against us.

Many a life is on the line.

Mark Elfstrand, Cultural Affairs Writer
Mark Elfstrand is a Christian husband, father and grandfather. A 40-year radio veteran, Mark has been a drive time air personality in Sacramento, Dallas, Pittsburgh, and Chicago, including WMBI and WYLL. He has also served in various ministry leadership positions. His current endeavors can be found at
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