The End of Roe v. Wade
The End of Roe v. Wade
Written By Richard M. Hartian   |   06.24.22
Reading Time: 3 minutes

What’s to Come and How to Respond

Roe v. Wade has officially been overturned as the U.S. Supreme Court ruled in the Dobbs v. Jacskon case! Today life was chosen (Deuteronomy 30:19), and the joyful celebrations of “life” can begin. We celebrate because we know that many unborn babies are that much closer to enjoying the same protection that you and I enjoy on this side of the womb – as if location should have ever mattered.

As we celebrate, we must acknowledge that the side that hates what God loves and hates God‘s creation is planning a response. We saw the extent they were willing to go two years ago during the season of riots across the country – the massive destruction of property and life in mostly Democratically-controlled communities across the country. And recently, we have seen multiple pregnancy care centers, pro-life organizations, and churches vandalized and attacked since the Scotus leak.

A recent tweet from Chicago Mayor Lori Lightfoot should be seen as their “call to arms.”

Mayor Lightfoot said, “The Supreme Court is coming for us next. This moment has to be a call to arms.” And later also said “We will not surrender our rights without a fight…”

A call to arms is a summons to engage in active hostilities – a plan to which they have already shown their capabilities – a plan to destroy cities, people and communities. It should be identified as an insurrection.

How do we respond?

We as Christians and people who value the sanctity of life should respond by staying away during the riots. We remind ourselves that President Trump delivered on his promise to protect the unborn and allowed the left to show exactly who they are and who they represent. The best thing you can do is pray for their souls. Pray for those that will be caught up in Satan’s fury. Pray for people that will be hurt and for all lives to be protected. Ephesians 6:12 tells us exactly who we are in battle with.

We must remind ourselves that Satan is a destroyer of God’s creation – life. He is the father of abortion and the selfishness that stems from it.

Why pray for them? Because the Lord tells us to in Matthew 5:44.  Those who riot, God loves. They were created in His image. Remember, Satan does not discriminate against whom he destroys. Those that riot, create havoc, hurt, maim, lie, steal, and destroy are blind and are doing Satan‘s bidding. Pray that God would open their eyes and turn them from darkness to light. Acts 26:18

So for the next couple of weeks, let’s celebrate life, but be careful to stay away from cities under Democratic rule. Pray for hearts to be changed and ask that in God’s mercy, He will thwart these wicked plans to reek havoc and even send His Spirit to call these lost souls into the Kingdom. Pray II Chronicles 7:14.

One last thing. Please remember that voting matters. President Trump ran on a campaign of protecting the child that is in the womb – this was one of his main promises to the country, to you and I. As he did in many things, he delivered on his promise by appointing pro-life Justices to the U.S. Supreme Court. Thank God for using President Trump for this momentous victory.

Remember that “life” won today!

Richard M. Hartian
Richard Hartian is a Christian husband, father of 4 and a board member for Illinois Family Institute.  He is a business man and Christian blogger who blogs at You can also follow Richard on X: @RichardHartian...
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