Churches Putting Pro-Life Values into Action
Churches Putting Pro-Life Values into Action
Written By Alyssa Sonnenburg   |   07.10.24
Reading Time: 3 minutes

Love Life is a pro-life organization that is dedicated to mobilizing the church to create a culture of love and life that will end both abortion and the orphan crisis.

In just seven years, Love Life has seen over 192,000 people mobilized into action, partnered with over 1,100 churches, and saved over 5,700 babies.

Yet, Love Life believes that churches maintaining and preaching a pro-life stance on the topic of the preborn is only part of the battle.

Through a special initiative, Love Life is asking churches across America to become House of Refuge Churches (HRCs).

Put simply, Houses of Refuge are “Local churches that clearly communicate to their people how they will respond to an unplanned/crisis pregnancy and have a clear plan in place to care well for those families.”

When churches agree to become a House of Refuge, they also agree to the following HRC statement, which is to be read from the pulpit every quarter. The statement:

clearly declares their church to be a safe place for those facing unplanned pregnancies or who have experienced the trauma of abortion to receive the help they need without any shame or condemnation. It [reading the statement] helps the whole congregation understand the position of grace and truth their church takes on the life issue.

The following story recounts how Love Life missionaries, Jennifer and Shaylene, experienced first-hand the incredible impact HRC churches have had in the lives of those facing unplanned pregnancies:

In July of 2021, as Jennifer and Shaylene stood praying and waiting on the sidewalk in front of Planned Parenthood, a troubled young woman and man drove up to enter the clinic. They stopped just before the entrance when the missionaries waved, offering a care bag and resource booklet. Shaylene spoke through the crack in the slightly lowered window, “Sweetheart, how far along are you?” The question alone broke through her defenses, and the young lady sobbed her answer, desperate for help. The two missionaries talked and prayed with the couple and pointed them to the medical mobile unit nearby where they could get a free pregnancy test and ultrasound, steering them away from Planned Parenthood. They agreed to go and soon saw their baby girl on the ultrasound while the nurse shared the hope of the gospel…

Because the church was present on the sidewalk that day, the couple chose life. Love Life missionaries connected them with a local pregnancy center near where they lived. And because Christ Community, a House of Refuge Church, had already prepared to receive families like this mom and dad, they knew just what to do when Shaylene and Jennifer called to connect them…

“We’ve been overwhelmed by all the love and support we’ve received,” the father of the baby gushed. “We could have never known that day we pulled into Planned Parenthood how different of a plan God had in store for us.”

To read more of Jennifer and Shaylene’s story, click here.

Stories like this are only becoming more and more common, thanks to the work of Love Life and their effort to establish HRCs throughout the United States.

When your church decides to partner with Love Life in becoming a House of Refuge, you are given the same opportunities to lavish grace and love upon those facing unplanned pregnancies.

To learn more about becoming a House of Refuge, click here.

Alyssa Sonnenburg
Alyssa Sonnenburg is a dedicated Christian, wife, and is a graduate of Moody Bible Institute. She is a co-host of the Self-Evident podcast and serves as an Executive Assistant at IFI. Growing up on the southside of Chicago, she and her husband now live in the northwest suburbs....
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