Summertime Challenge Update
Summertime Challenge Update
Written By David E. Smith   |   07.15.14
Reading Time: 3 minutes

Last week I challenged IFI’s subscribers to help us add 25 new monthly supporters to our Sustaining Partners roster during the month of July. I am pleased to report that we have added three so far, and hope that by the end of the month to add many more.

Did you know that IFI’s funding comes solely from individuals like you?  Moms and dads, grandmothers and grandfathers across the state of Illinois who give us the ability to be your public policy watchmen.  By supporting IFI you’ll be protecting and strengthening the family and religious liberty.  

You believe in the God-ordained institution of marriage as the union of one man and one woman.  

You believe in the sanctity of life, and that the right to life should be defended from conception to natural death.  

You believe that government should not interfere with religious liberty and freedom of conscience.  

You believe that illegal pornography should be prosecuted, and that it  has no place being accessed on publicly funded computers in our government schools and libraries.

But as you know, there’s a big problem.  Planned Parenthood, the ACLU, the ALA, Equality Illinois and other liberal organizations are actively working against our Judeo-Christian values.  And they have budgets that far exceed those of the Illinois Family Institute.

To make matters worse, many of our elected officials agree with the “progressive” values these groups push.  They want to fundamentally transform Illinois. 

What can you do?

Take the challenge and pledge to become a Sustaining Partner today!   

Sustaining Partners are so committed to defending the family that they commit to monthly, tax-exempt donations from their checking account or credit card. The donation is automatic, making it easy, and yet such a powerful tool helping IFI operate each day.

You can join parents and grandparents across Illinois and support the Illinois Family Institute (IFI), the only full-time pro-life, pro-marriage, pro-family organization in Illinois. Each and every day IFI works to defend the time-honored values that have built our state and our country. How do we accomplish this goal? In a nutshell, like this:

EDUCATE: Serving as a reliable source of information and analysis on issues that affect the family and traditional values.

INSPIRE: Promoting the pro-family agenda in local councils, school boards, the media and Illinois General Assembly.

ADVOCATE: Building strategic alliances and networks that promote programs and policies consistent with our mission.

Each day is different as we work to support and defend the traditional values held dearly by people in Illinois. But regardless of what project we are undertaking, or what bill we are calling your attention to, one thing doesn’t change: the need for adequate funding to do this important work, and to do it well.

Like any organization it takes financial resources for IFI to successfully operate each day. We do not receive federal or state funds.  We rely solely on the contributions of people like you:  Christian citizens who care deeply about the moral direction of our state and nation.

If you haven’t already responded to last week’s challenge, would you please consider becoming a monthly partner with IFI? 

To reach our goal of 25 new Sustaining Partners  during the month of July, we still must have commitments from 22 people or families over the next three week.  

Will you stand with IFI to defend the family, marriage, life, and religious liberty in the Land of Lincoln?

If you are not able to make a monthly commitment at this time, would you consider making a one time a tax-deductible contribution today?  

sustaining-partner-logo-250x125  DonateToday

Illinois Family Institute
P.O. Box 88848
Carol Stream, Illinois 60188

David  E. Smith
Dave Smith is the executive director of Illinois Family Institute (501c3) and Illinois Family Action (501c4). David has 30 years of experience in public policy and grass-roots activism that includes...
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