Thanksgiving is a favorite holiday for many for a number of reasons. It is a uniquely American holiday where we collectively pause to give thanks to God’s provisions, blessings and mercy. And we should be thankful for all that we have.
The Smith family has meaningful Thanksgiving traditions just as many American families do, but this year I am specifically convicted regarding the work IFI is doing to protect Illinois families as we gather around our table to give thanks. IFI has stood in the gap for Illinois families for more than 32 years now, and our work in that area has increased. One of the main tenants of our mission is to promote strong families – an endeavor that has become both more complex and more necessary as our society devalues parental authority and the importance of families.
IFI won’t relent in our belief that the family unit – as God defined it – is the basis for all successful societies and we won’t back down when the most vulnerable among us are in need of protection. Our staff is diligently working behind the scenes, on social media and at regular events and special forums on issues that directly impact children and families on a daily basis. This Thanksgiving, I am especially thankful for the wisdom of our board of directors and our organization’s dedication to our mission.
Thinking about the Old Testament stories of Daniel in the lions’ den, and Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego and the fiery furnace. Their miraculous rescues from seemingly certain death are a testimony to God’s faithfulness and serve also as a picture of the saving grace available to all who believe and put their faith in Jesus Christ. Oh, how thankful we are for His plan of redemption!
Our greatest blessing is a God who loves each of us deeply and desires a personal relationship with us. Psalm 136:1-3 emphasizes this blessing:
Oh, give thanks to the Lord, for He is good!
For His mercy endures forever.
Oh, give thanks to the God of gods!
For His mercy endures forever.
Oh, give thanks to the Lord of lords!
For His mercy endures forever:
The very same Psalm goes on to mention all the “little” daily blessings we often forget: His control over the heavens, sun, stars, and sea, and His provision of food for all. Numerous verses call for praise to overflow to God for many different reasons (1 Thess. 5:16-18, Ps. 28:7, Heb. 12:28-29, Ps. 107:8-9).
We are thankful as well for the example of those Old Testament heroes who stood firm in their beliefs, boldly standing up against the direct demands of authorities to violate their faith and their conscience.
In this increasingly secular, God-rejecting age, the opportunities (and Christian duty) to stand up for truth in the face of criticism and persecution are becoming more frequent. Doing so is not easy, though, and often comes at a personal cost. As a result, sadly many choose to bow down to the culture rather than to stand tall.
During this season of gratitude, we encourage you to read (or re-read) President George Washington’s 1789 proclamation for a day of public thanksgiving. Maybe read it out loud to your family. It is well worth your time and can be found HERE.
As we celebrate Thanksgiving, we offer thanks to God for bold and courageous Christian leaders – who serve in our military, as first responders, who lead at our local churches, and for those who serve in government. Their selfless sacrifices, in the face of adversity, have brought benefit and blessing to others.
Finally, we must point out how grateful we are for IFI supporters, who through prayers, thoughtful engagement and financial support allow us to do this work upholding God’s truth in our state, to God’s glory and the benefit of all. We give thanks for you and your support and friendship throughout the years. You are a special blessing God has brought our way!
Oh, give thanks to the Lord, for He is good!