On this first day of the New Year, we come to you with an overwhelming heart of appreciation, and it is from all of us at IFI… We are deeply grateful to God for His bountiful mercies, love and the call to be transformed by the renewing of our minds to align with His truth and perfect will. (Romans 12:2)
Moreover, we are
Blessed by your unwavering, unqualified support for the work we are doing in deep blue Illinois.
Blessed that you stand with us in fervent prayer. We know God’s hand is guiding and protecting us!
Blessed to be your advocates for the sanctity of human life, religious liberty, parental rights, natural marriage and family.
Blessed to know that you have entrusted this ministry with your hard-earned resources.
We will now embark on a new year of opportunities and many, many challenges. Yet, one thing remains certain: we serve a faithful God who has blessed us abundantly. He will not leave us nor forsake us! Our job is to be faithful to HIM. Let us do His will on earth, as it is done in heaven.
God has called as to this point of time and in the place in history. So be it. We aren’t going anywhere. By God’s grace, we will continue to be your voice wherever it is needed. Just as you are, we are here “for such a time as this.” Therefore, we pray that God will continue to use us for His glory and honor as we seek to have an impact (and bless) families throughout the state and nation.
Thank you for standing with us in prayer, encouragement and financial support. May God bless and prosper you and your family in 2025!