2017 End-of-Year Matching Challenge!
2017 End-of-Year Matching Challenge!
Written By David E. Smith   |   12.13.17
Reading Time: 4 minutes

I am pleased to announce that in an effort to help us raise $160,000 by the end of this month, a number of generous donors have offered to match donations to IFI all the way up to $80,000! So between now and the end of the year, you can double the impact of your giving!

Yes, you read that right! Every donation to IFI through the end of the year is DOUBLED upon receipt.

So if you give $50 it becomes $100.

If you give $100 it becomes $200.

If you give $500 it becomes $1,000!

If you donate $1,000, it is the same as giving $2,000, etc.

Despite the Left’s relentless attacks on the natural family, the sanctity of life and religious liberty, the Illinois Family Institute refuses to back down. There is too much at stake. We want  our children and grandchildren to enjoy the freedoms most of us enjoyed as we grew up. We want our children and grandchildren to have the freedom of religion to live their lives each day in accordance with the convictions that guide their thoughts and conduct.

Will you join the cultural battle in the public square by supporting the one organization in Illinois that is willing to expose the deception of the Left and offer a Christian lens through which to view, understand and respond to the culture?

Even Christians have become confused by Leftist lies about the nature of the relationship between the church and the state. The Left has convinced many Christians that the U.S. Constitution forbids them from allowing their religious beliefs to inform their political decisions. One of IFI’s goals is to expose that lie. Conservative Christians have as much right to have their religious beliefs inform their political decisions as abolitionists and Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. did. And conservatives have as much right to have their religious beliefs shape their political decisions as liberal Christians do.

For twenty-five years now, IFI has worked to counter the Left’s aggressive efforts to advance oppressive and pernicious legislation at the Capitol and to exploit public schools for the purpose of transforming the hearts and minds of other people’s children. The fact that we are always vastly out-spent and out-manned doesn’t dissuade us from fighting for what is true and good. We are accustomed  to battling against great odds and have been able to stop or forestall many of their plans.

While it may appear that good work bears little fruit in Illinois, appearances can be deceiving.

What cannot be measured is where Illinois would be without resistance.

What would Illinois look like without the Illinois Family Institute pushing back hard against the ideology and efforts of Leftists?

What would the state look like if IFI were not here to alert, equip, and encourage Illinoisans?

IFI battles tirelessly for children, families and religious liberty because we know that our responsibility is to our Creator and the good works He has for us. We know our duty is to stand boldly and unequivocally for the dignity and rights of every person from birth to natural death no matter how challenging that task may be. We seek to please God over fallen man and in so doing uphold human flourishing.

Every year we face an onslaught from the Left: relentless attempts to maintain and fund the so-called “right” to destroy unborn lives; to erode conscience rights and religious liberty; to enlist  government schools in the effort to normalize the “trans” ideology and homosexuality; to expand marijuana use and increase gambling locations; and to eliminate all public recognition of sex differences–including by drafting our daughters into military service and sexually integrating all sex-specific private spaces and activities.

The stakes in 2018 will remain high. The Left doesn’t give up on their godless worldview or walk away from the battle. They are already planning marches, forming coalitions and devising strategies. They are preparing to redouble their efforts in the 2018 election cycle to push their agenda in the media, through pop culture, in our government schools, and in our legislatures and courts.

If we can learn anything from the Left, it’s to be tenacious, persevering, fearless, and bold.

We must be prepared to counter their message with our message of hope and truth! Will you stand with us in 2018 and double the impact of your donation today? Donate online today!

Please join us to make sure we can start next year strong by making a special tax-deductible gift before December 31st. Every dollar up to $160,000 will be matched!

Next year, there will be tremendous opportunities for effecting positive cultural change. It is only through your support that we are able to work tirelessly to promote pro-family views.

With your prayers and support, IFI will continue to speak unashamedly and unequivocally about the fundamental truths concerning life, marriage, faith, freedom, decency and the natural family.

Illinois Family Institute is needed now more than ever.

We are your voice in the public square!

Please DONATE ONLINE or call the IFI office
at (708) 781-9328 to support our work.

Thank you for your support! We look forward to partnering with you in 2018 to stand courageously and winsomely for the values we share.

May God bless you during this Advent and Christmas season.


David E. Smith
Executive Director

P.S. Help us reach our goal of raising a total of $160,000 by the end of the month — Donate today! To make a credit card donation over the phone, call the IFI office at (708) 781-9328. You can also send a gift to:

Illinois Family Institute
P.O. Box 876
Tinley Park, IL  60477

P.P.S. It is important to mention that next year we’ll be turning our attention to ensuring that pro-family incumbent state legislators remain in office and that more are elected. That will happen with your help in getting the 2018 IFI Voter Guide in the hands of more Illinois values voters, particularly those in districts where there are key races. But we need the funding to complete this important project. Click HERE to make a online donation today.

David  E. Smith
Dave Smith is the executive director of Illinois Family Institute (501c3) and Illinois Family Action (501c4). David has 30 years of experience in public policy and grass-roots activism that includes countless interviews for numerous radio, television, cable programs and newspaper articles on topics such as the sanctity of life, natural marriage, broadcast decency, sex education, marijuana, gambling, abortion, homosexuality, tax policy, drug decriminalization and pornography. He and his wife of 29 years are blessed to be the parents of eight children. They strongly believe that their first duty before God is to disciple their children in the Christian faith, and...
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