Written by Beth Rogers

In 2019, the Lord put it on my heart to post a billboard in Springfield with a Biblical response to the day’s changing moral conditions and cultural issues. The idea of a billboard stating “The Rainbow Belongs to God” was inspired by Genesis 9, where God stated in verses 11-13,
Never again shall the water become a flood to destroy all flesh.I have set my rainbow in the clouds, and it will be the sign of the covenant between me and the earth.
In recent years, we have seen in our nation a movement to use the rainbow as a banner of pride when in fact, it represents something God forbids. Our society may have redefined marriage and gender, but God has not.
There are moral absolutes that come from our Creator, not the culture.
The waving of a pride banner comes from a sexual choice that stands in opposition to God’s plan. There should be no pride in celebrating what God condemns. God, in his own words, says,
He opposes the proud but gives grace to the humble. (Proverbs 3:34)
As believers in Christ, we are called to be humble and love all people, but we must not compromise on the truth. We must also respond with grace, love, and kindness to every person held captive by the lie of the LGBTQ+ lifestyle.
If our culture no longer promotes good, it then is our role as Christians to hold it accountable to a higher standard, which is the truth found in God’s holy Word. We are called not to make truth tolerable but to make it clear. Our first responsibility is to stand on the truth of the Word of God to compel others to come to the saving knowledge and the grace of Jesus Himself. Jesus said people will know we are Christians by our love (John 13:35).
In Revelation 4, John is given a glorious glimpse of Heaven. What he sees is breathtaking: a vision of God on his throne where he reigns as sovereign King. He sees Jesus, the Lamb of God. During that vision, John sees that the glorious throne of God is surrounded by a rainbow (v. 3).
God has invited you, me, and every sinner to lay hold of His redemption that is found in Jesus Christ. The rainbow symbolizes God’s mercy by the extension of salvation to sinful humanity.
The rainbow has always been God’s.
The truth is, He never lost it.