There is a research article from a professor of sociology and family studies, writing for the Institute for Family Studies, that looks at the social contagion of the LGBT movement.

Professor Nicholas Wolfinger investigated the National Survey of Family Growth regarding sexual identity. As you may know, the percentage of people who identity with the LGBTQIA+ movement is growing, particularly among the young, but there is perhaps an overstatement within these numbers.
Given the current promotion of homosexuality in schools, culture, corporate American, and Hollywood at a level never seen in American history, it should not be surprising that many more people, particularly young people, are now identifying with this over-glorified group.
What Wolfinger reveals, however, is being seen with the cool group is one thing, behaving like them is another.
(Young people are just that– young, and their attitudes change, making them more susceptible to pop trends.)
This is most easily seen among the lowest rung of the alphabet activists– the B. Most Millennials and Gen Z who specifically identify as bisexual within the LGBT label actually live heterosexually.
Among Millennial self-identifying “bisexuals”– eight out of ten (79%) are choosing to have sexual relations with opposite-sex partners (heterosexual). Among Gen Z bisexuals, six out of ten (59%) are having sexual relations with opposite-sex partners.
(Interestingly too, Gen Z bisexuals are having more sex than Gen Z heterosexuals, which makes some sense if you understand the more promiscuous behavior trends long associated with the LGBT lifestyle.)